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VOBJ: Voltage in TMP006, Register 0

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP006


I am working on tmp006 ic. I want to know what is the procedure to convert Vobj raw data to actual sensor voltage (V)?. I did calculation like below

Vobj raw data FEAF= dec 65199=65199*156.25 nV= 10.187e-3 V. Using this value I calculated the Tobj by using equation form tmp006 datasheet but I got some abnormal result.In velow figure can anyone tell me how to got sensor voltage(-2.23E-5) from raw data FF71.

Thank you for help

  • Hi,


    In TMP006, Vobj data is stored as two’s compliment, when MSB (bit15 of 15 to 0) is ‘1’, it is a negative number. And you’ll need to invert the number before multiplying by LSB:


    X’FEAF (invert bits)-> X’0150 -> +X’1 ->X’0151 (to Decimal)-> D’337 -> Multiply by D’156.25nV -> Vobj=-5.2656*10E-5V



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