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Remote temperature sensing

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP007, TMP006


I am new to this forum, I have generic questions about apply temperature sensor to remotely detect the temp of flowing liquid.

I am consider to measure the temperature of hydraulic oil in automotive application.

1. The oil is not in static state will flow at unknow speed mix with air under atmospheric pressure?

2. For normal RTD or NTC temperature sensor, the accuracy is pretty bad due to the distance away from the fluid and limited volume of oil reach the front part of sensor.

3. What TI sensing technology you would recommend for this application which enable better accuracy and remote detection through metallic housing? Could Ultrasonic sensor do the job?

Many Thanks



  • Hi Andrew,

    Thank you for your interest in Temperature Sensors from Texas Instruments.

    Most of our products rely on semiconductor properties to sense temperature. These semiconductor sensors typically have an absolute max temperature of 150°C. Will this be acceptable in your application?

    An exception to this is the TMP006 and TMP007 non-contact infrared temperature sensors. These devices sense radiated energy from hot objects. They could be used to measure the temperature of your metallic housing. They cannot directly measure the temperature of the fluid inside the housing. This is because metals don't allow infrared wavelengths to pass through.

    Texas Instruments doesn't sell RTD, NTC, or other temperature sensors at this time, but we do offer a wide selection of ADC and analog products which work well with these sensors.

  • Hi Andrew,

    Can you contact me directly - I'd like to find out more about your application.

    Thanks you.

    Take care,