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TMP007: polyammide or polypropylene?

Part Number: TMP007

we are working an a vacuum food processor. Our request is to measure the temperature of the food when it is in the plastc bag, after processing. Plastic bag can be polyammide or polypropylene. Is this kind of plastic suitable for Ir reading?

  • Francesco,

    The TMP007 bases it's temperature reading on a black body model of the object being measured, therefore the plastic will affect the reading based on its thickness and opaqueness relative to the food that is in the bag. However, the TMP007 datasheet offers calibration schemes to characterize the noise in your application, as well as obtain accurate readings. Of the two calibration schemes, the narrow-range calibration scheme ( in datasheet) is better suited to your application because you have a limited expected temperature range of the food. Hope this helps

  • I don't know about the polyamide. But I worked with polypropylene. The samples which we used are not visual transpared and looked milky white. We used 0.4mm film. It is not very flexible and lower the IR signal strength by 50%.