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IWR1443BOOST: No data from mmWave Demo Visualizer

Part Number: IWR1443BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH


I have just started to use the IWR1443BOOST. I am encountering a few issues while running the demo in the SDK(version 1.2).

I have tried to follow the steps listed in the mmWave SDK User Guide. Listed below are the steps i have completed.

- Set the SOP config to 101 and power cycle the board

- Upload the image for radarSS and xwr14xx_mmw_demo_mss.bin as the MSS. Set the COM port to the UART data port

- On flashing these images, it gives a successfully completed message in the console.

- Using the mmWave gallery ( 

COM6:115200, COM5:921600 waiting for data ..."

What could be the mistake in the procedure that I am following?



  • PS: I changed the SOP config back to 001 (Removed the SOP 2 jumper after flashing in Uniflash)
  • Hi Sushen,

    In your second step, you need to set the COM PORT in Unifash to the Application/Control UART port, not the Data UART port as you mentioned. Could you flash the binaries again using the Applicaiton/Control UART port and try running the test again with mmWaveDemoVisualizer?

  • Hi Nitin,

    I am so sorry. I did mean the Application/ UART port and not the data port. I however cross checked and tried again and I am getting the same message (COM6:115200, COM5:921600 waiting for data). 



  • Hi Sushen,

    A few things to verify:

    1. Please ensure that your power supply is rated for at least 2.5A and make sure to remove the SOP2 jumper before you connect power to the board.

    2. Did you select xwr14xx and SDK version 1.2 in the mmWaveDemoVisualizer Configure tab as shown below?



  • Hi Nitin,

    1. Yes our power supply can give up to a maximum of 5A. So there should not be an issue with the current. Yes I have ensured that the SOP2 jumper is removed before power is supplied after flashing the code.

    2. Yes I have selected the same configuration as shown in the image.



  • Hi Sushen,

    What do you see in the Console messages window after you press the "Send Config to Device" button in the Visualizer? Please provide the log from the console messages window. I have attached the snapshot for a successful run for reference, below:


  • Hi Nitin,

    My console is completely empty. I do not get any message when the 'send to mmwave device is pressed'.


  • Sushen,

    Just to confirm, you followed the instructions provided in the SDK user guide and can connect to the EVM in the mmWaveDemoVisualizer. But when you send the configuration to the device, you don't see anything in the Visualizer console. Is that correct? Do see the NERR_OUT LED lit up after you power cycle the EVM after flashing?

    Please try the following steps.

    1. After flashing, power up the EVM in functional mode (i.e jumper connected on SOP0, SOP2 jumper removed).
    2. Connect the mmWave Demo Visualizer with the correct COM ports selected under Options->Serial Port.
    3. Select the correct device and SDK version in the mmWaveDemo Visulizer Configure tab.
    4. Make sure that you see "Hardware Connected, Waiting for Data" in the visualizer status bar.
    5. Press the NRST switch (SW2) on the EVM. You should see the mmWave SDK Demo prompt on the visualizer console. If you don't see the prompt, check if the NERR_OUT LED is lit up.
    6. If you see the prompt, select the desired configuration from the Desirable Configuration drop-down (e.g. Best Range Resolution) and press "Send Config to Device". You should see the configuration commands sent to the device in the console window and see the calibration status 7fe and Done in the end as shown in the snapshot I attached earlier.
    7. Switch to the Plots tab and check if you can see the plots.



  • Hi Nitin,

    Thank you so much for your help. Yes it did work now. The difference was the NRST switch. Once i pressed the switch, the NERR_OUT LED went off and then when i pressed send config to mmWave device, it ran. Thank you again for your time.

