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IWR1642: How to support IF loopback based on mmw demo?

Part Number: IWR1642


My customer wants to do IF loopback test based on mmw demo with advanced frame config. So I tried to make it work on mmw demo but failed.The changed I did are as below. Would you pls kindly check and see if I miss anything?

1. Add rlSetLoopBckBurstCfg() in mmwave_link.c

2. Enable loopback for subframe 0 in cli_mmwave.c

advFrameCfg.frameSeq.loopBackCfg = 1;

Below are my current test results and questions. I only enabled one subframe in my test cfg.

1. If I set the start frequency in loopback cfg to 77 (based on the chirp setting), I will meet below error when I load attached cfg.

Error: MMWDemoDSS mmWave Start failed [Error code -203947942]
Debug: MMWDemoDSS Data Path start failed with Error[-1]

-203947942 << 16=3112

* @brief   Error Code: mmWave link sensor failed
#define MMWAVE_ESENSOR                  (MMWAVE_ERRNO_BASE-12)

Why the setting of 77GHz will cause link sensor failed?

2. If I set the start frequency in loopback cfg to 76.5, I will not meet above error. But I met new one.

mmwDemo:/>DSS Frame Processing Deadline Miss Exception.

Do you have any suggestion on why my IF loopback test cause this exception and how to debug the deadline miss exception?

Below are my test code and cfg.
