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AWR1243: Continuous Wave(CW) Mode in Cascaded Environment

Part Number: AWR1243

Hi Comminity,

Would like to understand CW mode and end-end Flow required to enable this. Working on a custom AWR1243P cascaded environment.

Had gone through AWR Interface Document, but feel that information is not sufficient 

  • Hello Rohith,
    The table 5.153 in the interface control document lists the detailed sequence (including the APIs) for enabling the CW mode in master and slave devices. Let us know if there is any clarification needed in that sequence.

  • Thanks, Vivek

    we have gone through and implemented a similar sequence. 

    I have a question like

    1. Is Profile, chirp and frame configuration required in continuous mode

    2. If required, in what is the sequence

  • Hello Rohith,
    Correction in the table reference I provided in my previous reply, the CW mode sequence for cascade is described in table 5.154 (not 5.153).

    Regarding you query, for CW mode the profile/chirp/frame config is not needed and its not specified in the sequence as well.

  • Hi Vivek,
    We have referred to table 5.514, which explains the sequence to be followed in CW mode for the cascaded environment.

    We have problem something like.
    1. Not enabled profile/chirp/frame along with CW mode 
    Error: sensor start un-successful with error code related to frame config
    2. Enabled Profile/chirp/profile along with CW mode
    Configuration successful and sensor started.
    But, I'm not sure why this has not thrown an error. and I have no idea how to confirm whether CW mode is enabled

    I hope I'm clear in my explanation


  • Hello Rohith,
    The sequence in table 5.514 does not recommend issuing the sensor-start command. You need to issue the "AWR CONT STREAMING MODE EN
    SB" to start the CW transmission.

  • Hi vivek,

    Thanks for giving the catch point.
    we have thought that, sensor start is abvious and must. this a mistake from our side.

    Few more questions,
    1. After issuing CW mode, are thare any commands (Get command) to check weather sensor is in CW mode ?
    2. We have an requirement to issue CW mode ON/OFF while sensor is running.
    We feel this should be possible using "AWR CONT STREAMING MODE EN SB" -> "contStreamModeEn". Is this correct ?
  • Hello Rohith,

    >>Few more questions,
    >>1. After issuing CW mode, are thare any commands (Get command) to check weather sensor is in CW mode ?

    You will receive the data on the RX channels, so you know the CW is ON. Same way the sensor knows that the chirps are ON.

    >>2. We have an requirement to issue CW mode ON/OFF while sensor is running.
    >>We feel this should be possible using "AWR CONT STREAMING MODE EN SB" -> "contStreamModeEn". Is this correct ?

    Yes, you can enable - disable the stream using this API.
