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IWR6843ISK: [ERROR] [1566417369.767174900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Failed to call service mmWaveCLI

Part Number: IWR6843ISK
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MMWAVEICBOOST,
  • Version of mmWave SDK:  mmwave_sdk_03_00_00_08

  • Details of board platform IWR6843ISK PROC 073 Rev A.and MMWAVEICBOOST

I had the ROS point cloud demo working yesterday, but now it keeps failing.  RViz opens but no points are displayed.

I have tried 3 different power supplies, it was working with a 2.5A supply yesterday.  I have been trying to make it work again with a 3.5A power supply, but ROS is still complaining about mmWaveCLI failing.  the output is below

$ roslaunch ti_mmwave_rospkg rviz_6843_3d.launch
... logging to /home/dharper/.ros/log/b5957b96-c44d-11e9-bce3-9cb6d0c83c04/roslaunch-CPR01973-369.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://CPR01973:56324/


 * /mmWave_Manager/command_port: /dev/ttyS5
 * /mmWave_Manager/command_rate: 115200
 * /mmWave_Manager/data_port: /dev/ttyS4
 * /mmWave_Manager/data_rate: 921600
 * /mmWave_Manager/max_allowed_azimuth_angle_deg: 90
 * /mmWave_Manager/max_allowed_elevation_angle_deg: 90
 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.14.3

    mmWaveQuickConfig (ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveQuickConfig)
    mmWave_Manager (ti_mmwave_rospkg/ti_mmwave_rospkg)
    rviz (rviz/rviz)
    static_tf_map_to_base_radar_link (tf/static_transform_publisher)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [382]

setting /run_id to b5957b96-c44d-11e9-bce3-9cb6d0c83c04
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [396]
started core service [/rosout]
process[mmWave_Manager-2]: started with pid [403]
process[mmWaveQuickConfig-3]: started with pid [404]
process[static_tf_map_to_base_radar_link-4]: started with pid [405]
[ INFO] [1566417369.162228600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Configuring mmWave device using config file: /home/dharper/catkin_ws/src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/cfg/6843_3d.cfg
[ INFO] [1566417369.172232400]: waitForService: Service [/mmWaveCommSrv/mmWaveCLI] has not been advertised, waiting...
process[rviz-5]: started with pid [406]
[ INFO] [1566417369.513027500]: Initializing nodelet with 12 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1566417369.518699900]: mmWaveCommSrv: command_port = /dev/ttyS5
[ INFO] [1566417369.519014700]: mmWaveCommSrv: command_rate = 115200
[ INFO] [1566417369.522130700]: mmWaveDataHdl: data_port = /dev/ttyS4
[ INFO] [1566417369.522358700]: mmWaveDataHdl: data_rate = 921600
[ INFO] [1566417369.522802600]: mmWaveDataHdl: max_allowed_elevation_angle_deg = 90
[ INFO] [1566417369.523325000]: mmWaveDataHdl: max_allowed_azimuth_angle_deg = 90
[ INFO] [1566417369.525800600]: DataUARTHandler Read Thread: Port is open
[ INFO] [1566417369.532174200]: waitForService: Service [/mmWaveCommSrv/mmWaveCLI] is now available.
[ INFO] [1566417369.533032000]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% ***************************************************************'
[ INFO] [1566417369.533993400]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Created for SDK ver:03.00'
[ INFO] [1566417369.534521500]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Created using Visualizer ver:'
[ INFO] [1566417369.535384100]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Frequency:60.25'
[ INFO] [1566417369.535940200]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Platform:xWR68xx'
[ INFO] [1566417369.536354200]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Scene Classifier:best_range_res'
[ INFO] [1566417369.537073800]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Azimuth Resolution(deg):15 + Elevation'
[ INFO] [1566417369.538129900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Range Resolution(m):0.045'
[ INFO] [1566417369.538766900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Maximum unambiguous Range(m):9.02'
[ INFO] [1566417369.539434600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Maximum Radial Velocity(m/s):5.06'
[ INFO] [1566417369.541080400]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Radial velocity resolution(m/s):0.64'
[ INFO] [1566417369.541771700]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Frame Duration(msec):33.333'
[ INFO] [1566417369.542278000]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Range Detection Threshold (dB):9'
[ INFO] [1566417369.542789600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Doppler Detection Threshold (dB):9'
[ INFO] [1566417369.543255700]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Range Peak Grouping:disabled'
[ INFO] [1566417369.543851000]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Doppler Peak Grouping:enabled'
[ INFO] [1566417369.544413400]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Static clutter removal:disabled'
[ INFO] [1566417369.544948900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Angle of Arrival FoV: Full FoV'
[ INFO] [1566417369.545455800]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Range FoV: Full FoV'
[ INFO] [1566417369.546006400]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Doppler FoV: Full FoV'
[ INFO] [1566417369.546433400]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% ***************************************************************'
[ INFO] [1566417369.547409500]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'sensorStop'
[ INFO] [1566417369.550556200]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'sensorStop'
[ INFO] [1566417369.556965800]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'sensorStop
Ignored: Sensor is already stopped
[ INFO] [1566417369.564453700]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.565237000]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'flushCfg'
[ INFO] [1566417369.568092700]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'flushCfg'
[ INFO] [1566417369.571070300]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'flushCfg
[ INFO] [1566417369.576981600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.577820400]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'dfeDataOutputMode 1'
[ INFO] [1566417369.580570600]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'dfeDataOutputMode 1'
[ INFO] [1566417369.584475600]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'dfeDataOutputMode 1
[ INFO] [1566417369.591152300]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.591860900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'channelCfg 15 7 0'
[ INFO] [1566417369.594686600]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'channelCfg 15 7 0'
[ INFO] [1566417369.598581200]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'channelCfg 15 7 0
[ INFO] [1566417369.604225000]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.604827900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'adcCfg 2 1'
[ INFO] [1566417369.607846200]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'adcCfg 2 1'
[ INFO] [1566417369.611110400]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'adcCfg 2 1
[ INFO] [1566417369.617244400]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.617964800]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'adcbufCfg -1 0 1 1 1'
[ INFO] [1566417369.620851700]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'adcbufCfg -1 0 1 1 1'
[ INFO] [1566417369.625120500]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'adcbufCfg -1 0 1 1 1
[ INFO] [1566417369.630767600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.631552800]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'profileCfg 0 60.25 7 7 75 0 0 50 1 240 3582 0 0 30'
[ INFO] [1566417369.634792800]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'profileCfg 0 60.25 7 7 75 0 0 50 1 240 3582 0 0 30'
[ INFO] [1566417369.642019900]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'profileCfg 0 60.25 7 7 75 0 0 50 1 240 3582 0 0 30
[ INFO] [1566417369.648258900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.649002000]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1'
[ INFO] [1566417369.651760400]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1'
[ INFO] [1566417369.656150200]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
[ INFO] [1566417369.662827400]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.663591600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'chirpCfg 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4'
[ INFO] [1566417369.666466400]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'chirpCfg 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4'
[ INFO] [1566417369.670945700]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'chirpCfg 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
[ INFO] [1566417369.677450700]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.677992500]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'chirpCfg 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2'
[ INFO] [1566417369.680823600]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'chirpCfg 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2'
[ INFO] [1566417369.685156200]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'chirpCfg 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
[ INFO] [1566417369.690728300]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.691653800]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'frameCfg 0 2 16 0 33.333 1 0'
[ INFO] [1566417369.694466800]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'frameCfg 0 2 16 0 33.333 1 0'
[ INFO] [1566417369.699327000]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'frameCfg 0 2 16 0 33.333 1 0
[ INFO] [1566417369.706621400]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.707183000]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'lowPower 0 0'
[ INFO] [1566417369.710033300]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'lowPower 0 0'
[ INFO] [1566417369.713465300]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'lowPower 0 0
[ INFO] [1566417369.720668100]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.721303800]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'guiMonitor -1 1 0 0 0 0 0'
[ INFO] [1566417369.724643200]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'guiMonitor -1 1 0 0 0 0 0'
[ INFO] [1566417369.729234700]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'guiMonitor -1 1 0 0 0 0 0
[ INFO] [1566417369.735043900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.735970700]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'cfarCfg -1 0 0 8 4 4 0 768 0'
[ INFO] [1566417369.738881400]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'cfarCfg -1 0 0 8 4 4 0 768 0'
[ INFO] [1566417369.743773500]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'cfarCfg -1 0 0 8 4 4 0 768 0
[ INFO] [1566417369.749547300]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.750270200]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'cfarCfg -1 1 0 4 2 3 1 768 1'
[ INFO] [1566417369.753303800]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'cfarCfg -1 1 0 4 2 3 1 768 1'
[ INFO] [1566417369.758163600]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'cfarCfg -1 1 0 4 2 3 1 768 1
[ INFO] [1566417369.763989000]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
[ INFO] [1566417369.765269100]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'multiObjBeamForming -1 1 0.5'
[ERROR] [1566417369.767174900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Failed to call service mmWaveCLI
[ERROR] [1566417369.767425000]: multiObjBeamForming -1 1 0.5
[mmWaveQuickConfig-3] process has died [pid 404, exit code 1, cmd /home/dharper/catkin_ws/devel/lib/ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveQuickConfig /home/dharper/catkin_ws/src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/cfg/6843_3d.cfg __name:=mmWaveQuickConfig __log:=/home/dharper/.ros/log/b5957b96-c44d-11e9-bce3-9cb6d0c83c04/mmWaveQuickConfig-3.log].
log file: /home/dharper/.ros/log/b5957b96-c44d-11e9-bce3-9cb6d0c83c04/mmWaveQuickConfig-3*.log


I have tried reloading v3.2 of the demo firmware and tried out the mmWave Demo Visualizer and it works, but the ROS demo does not anymore.

  • Hi David,

    I've asked an expert to look into this and we should have an answer for you in the next few days.




  • Hi David,

    Do not see anything wrong. Could you power cycle the board and send the "/home/dharper/catkin_ws/src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/cfg/6843_3d.cfg" through 3.2 mmWave Demo Visualizer and report the result.



  • This is the output from loading this through the demo visualizer

    mmwDemo:/>% ***************************************************************
    mmwDemo:/>% Created for SDK ver:03.00
    mmwDemo:/>% Created using Visualizer ver:
    mmwDemo:/>% Frequency:60.25
    mmwDemo:/>% Platform:xWR68xx
    mmwDemo:/>% Scene Classifier:best_range_res
    mmwDemo:/>% Azimuth Resolution(deg):15 + Elevation
    mmwDemo:/>% Range Resolution(m):0.045
    mmwDemo:/>% Maximum unambiguous Range(m):9.02
    mmwDemo:/>% Maximum Radial Velocity(m/s):5.06
    mmwDemo:/>% Radial velocity resolution(m/s):0.64
    mmwDemo:/>% Frame Duration(msec):33.333
    mmwDemo:/>% Range Detection Threshold (dB):9
    mmwDemo:/>% Doppler Detection Threshold (dB):9
    mmwDemo:/>% Range Peak Grouping:disabled
    mmwDemo:/>% Doppler Peak Grouping:enabled
    mmwDemo:/>% Static clutter removal:disabled
    mmwDemo:/>% Angle of Arrival FoV: Full FoV
    mmwDemo:/>% Range FoV: Full FoV
    mmwDemo:/>% Doppler FoV: Full FoV
    mmwDemo:/>% ***************************************************************
    Ignored: Sensor is already stopped
    mmwDemo:/>dfeDataOutputMode 1
    mmwDemo:/>channelCfg 15 7 0
    mmwDemo:/>adcCfg 2 1
    mmwDemo:/>adcbufCfg -1 0 1 1 1
    mmwDemo:/>profileCfg 0 60.25 7 7 75 0 0 50 1 240 3582 0 0 30
    mmwDemo:/>chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
    mmwDemo:/>chirpCfg 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
    mmwDemo:/>chirpCfg 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
    mmwDemo:/>frameCfg 0 2 16 0 33.333 1 0
    mmwDemo:/>lowPower 0 0
    mmwDemo:/>guiMonitor -1 1 0 0 0 0 0
    mmwDemo:/>cfarCfg -1 0 0 8 4 4 0 768 0
    mmwDemo:/>cfarCfg -1 1 0 4 2 3 1 768 1
    mmwDemo:/>multiObjBeamForming -1 1 0.5
    mmwDemo:/>clutterRemoval -1 0
    mmwDemo:/>calibDcRangeSig -1 0 -5 8 256
    mmwDemo:/>compRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase 0.0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
    mmwDemo:/>measureRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase 0 1.5 0.2
    mmwDemo:/>aoaFovCfg -1 -90 90 -90 90
    mmwDemo:/>cfarFovCfg -1 0 0 8.59
    mmwDemo:/>cfarFovCfg -1 1 -5.06 5.06
    Debug: Init Calibration Status = 0x1e

  • after closing the demo visualizer and trying to run the same config file in ros i get the following output

    dharper@CPR01973:~$ roslaunch ti_mmwave_rospkg rviz_6843_3d.launch
    ... logging to /home/dharper/.ros/log/8a8e3e0c-cb54-11e9-a52d-9cb6d0c83c04/roslaunch-CPR01973-225.log
    Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
    Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
    Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
    started roslaunch server http://CPR01973:55008/
     * /mmWave_Manager/command_port: /dev/ttyS5
     * /mmWave_Manager/command_rate: 115200
     * /mmWave_Manager/data_port: /dev/ttyS4
     * /mmWave_Manager/data_rate: 921600
     * /mmWave_Manager/max_allowed_azimuth_angle_deg: 90
     * /mmWave_Manager/max_allowed_elevation_angle_deg: 90
     * /rosdistro: indigo
     * /rosversion: 1.14.3
        mmWaveQuickConfig (ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveQuickConfig)
        mmWave_Manager (ti_mmwave_rospkg/ti_mmwave_rospkg)
        rviz (rviz/rviz)
        static_tf_map_to_base_radar_link (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    auto-starting new master
    process[master]: started with pid [238]
    setting /run_id to 8a8e3e0c-cb54-11e9-a52d-9cb6d0c83c04
    process[rosout-1]: started with pid [252]
    started core service [/rosout]
    process[mmWave_Manager-2]: started with pid [259]
    process[mmWaveQuickConfig-3]: started with pid [260]
    [ INFO] [1567189960.805229200]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Configuring mmWave device using config file: /home/dharper/catkin_ws/src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/cfg/6843_3d.cfg
    [ INFO] [1567189960.813198500]: waitForService: Service [/mmWaveCommSrv/mmWaveCLI] has not been advertised, waiting...
    process[static_tf_map_to_base_radar_link-4]: started with pid [266]
    process[rviz-5]: started with pid [267]
    [ INFO] [1567189961.018754200]: Initializing nodelet with 12 worker threads.
    [ INFO] [1567189961.023845700]: mmWaveCommSrv: command_port = /dev/ttyS5
    [ INFO] [1567189961.024052200]: mmWaveCommSrv: command_rate = 115200
    [ INFO] [1567189961.026860800]: mmWaveDataHdl: data_port = /dev/ttyS4
    [ INFO] [1567189961.027031400]: mmWaveDataHdl: data_rate = 921600
    [ INFO] [1567189961.027518100]: mmWaveDataHdl: max_allowed_elevation_angle_deg = 90
    [ INFO] [1567189961.028352700]: mmWaveDataHdl: max_allowed_azimuth_angle_deg = 90
    [ INFO] [1567189961.029809900]: DataUARTHandler Read Thread: Failed to open Data serial port with error: IO Exception (13): Permission denied, file /home/dharper/catkin_ws/src/serial/src/impl/, line 151.
    [ INFO] [1567189961.030339100]: DataUARTHandler Read Thread: Waiting 20 seconds before trying again...
    [ INFO] [1567189961.046375600]: waitForService: Service [/mmWaveCommSrv/mmWaveCLI] is now available.
    [ INFO] [1567189961.047547600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% ***************************************************************'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.048329100]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Created for SDK ver:03.00'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.048968600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Created using Visualizer ver:'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.050619800]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Frequency:60.25'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.051027800]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Platform:xWR68xx'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.051462400]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Scene Classifier:best_range_res'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.051867200]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Azimuth Resolution(deg):15 + Elevation'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.052764100]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Range Resolution(m):0.045'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.053196700]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Maximum unambiguous Range(m):9.02'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.053592900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Maximum Radial Velocity(m/s):5.06'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.053980500]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Radial velocity resolution(m/s):0.64'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.054679200]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Frame Duration(msec):33.333'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.056048300]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Range Detection Threshold (dB):9'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.056454600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Doppler Detection Threshold (dB):9'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.056862300]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Range Peak Grouping:disabled'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.057221100]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Doppler Peak Grouping:enabled'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.057623700]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Static clutter removal:disabled'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.058033500]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Angle of Arrival FoV: Full FoV'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.058433500]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Range FoV: Full FoV'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.058830700]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% Doppler FoV: Full FoV'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.059214500]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Ignored blank or comment line: '% ***************************************************************'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.060041600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'sensorStop'
    [ INFO] [1567189961.072084400]: mmWaveCommSrv: Failed to open User serial port with error: IO Exception (13): Permission denied, file /home/dharper/catkin_ws/src/serial/src/impl/, line 151.
    [ INFO] [1567189961.072879300]: mmWaveCommSrv: Waiting 20 seconds before trying again...
    [ INFO] [1567189981.033219600]: DataUARTHandler Read Thread: Port is open
    [ INFO] [1567189981.075273300]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'sensorStop'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.081138900]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'sensorStop
    [ INFO] [1567189981.088392900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
    [ INFO] [1567189981.088930600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'flushCfg'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.091726300]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'flushCfg'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.094808900]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'flushCfg
    [ INFO] [1567189981.100320000]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
    [ INFO] [1567189981.101010600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'dfeDataOutputMode 1'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.104343500]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'dfeDataOutputMode 1'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.108326000]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'dfeDataOutputMode 1
    [ INFO] [1567189981.114199700]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
    [ INFO] [1567189981.114829800]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'channelCfg 15 7 0'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.117700800]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'channelCfg 15 7 0'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.136723700]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'channelCfg 15 7 0
    [ INFO] [1567189981.142796700]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
    [ INFO] [1567189981.143393400]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'adcCfg 2 1'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.146214500]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'adcCfg 2 1'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.149459600]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'adcCfg 2 1
    [ INFO] [1567189981.155343300]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
    [ INFO] [1567189981.155971900]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'adcbufCfg -1 0 1 1 1'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.158533800]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'adcbufCfg -1 0 1 1 1'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.162569900]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'adcbufCfg -1 0 1 1 1
    [ INFO] [1567189981.168533600]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
    [ INFO] [1567189981.169199100]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'profileCfg 0 60.25 7 7 75 0 0 50 1 240 3582 0 0 30'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.173552100]: mmWaveCommSrv: Sending command to sensor: 'profileCfg 0 60.25 7 7 75 0 0 50 1 240 3582 0 0 30'
    [ INFO] [1567189981.180580700]: mmWaveCommSrv: Received response from sensor: 'profileCfg 0 60.25 7 7 75 0 0 50 1 240 3582 0 0 30
    [ INFO] [1567189981.187186100]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Command successful (mmWave sensor responded with 'Done')
    [ INFO] [1567189981.188286200]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Sending command: 'chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1'
    [ERROR] [1567189981.190137200]: mmWaveQuickConfig: Failed to call service mmWaveCLI
    [ERROR] [1567189981.190439900]: chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
    [mmWaveQuickConfig-3] process has died [pid 260, exit code 1, cmd /home/dharper/catkin_ws/devel/lib/ti_mmwave_rospkg/mmWaveQuickConfig /home/dharper/catkin_ws/src/ti_mmwave_rospkg/cfg/6843_3d.cfg __name:=mmWaveQuickConfig __log:=/home/dharper/.ros/log/8a8e3e0c-cb54-11e9-a52d-9cb6d0c83c04/mmWaveQuickConfig-3.log].
    log file: /home/dharper/.ros/log/8a8e3e0c-cb54-11e9-a52d-9cb6d0c83c04/mmWaveQuickConfig-3*.log

  • Hi David,

    Do you still need help with this ?


    Charles O

  • Yes I do, I followed the directions from one of your team mates, but the mmwave CLI still keeps failing in ROS

  • David Harper1 said:
    [ INFO] [1567189961.072084400]: mmWaveCommSrv: Failed to open User serial port with error: IO Exception (13): Permission denied, file /home/dharper/catkin_ws/src/serial/src/impl/, line 151.
    [ INFO] [1567189961.072879300]: mmWaveCommSrv: Waiting 20 seconds before trying again...
    [ INFO] [1567189981.033219600]: DataUARTHandler Read Thread: Port is open

    Why is this happening, do you have a bad usb cable? it seems to disconnect midway


    Charles O

  • Hi,

    I assume you were able to resolve this and will be closing the thread. Please reply if you still need assistance or make a new post referencing this one.


    Charles O

  • I have the same problem,can you tell me how to solve it?

  • Please start a new post to address your issue.