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Compiler/IWR1642: how to parsing traffic monitring demo uart data

Part Number: IWR1642

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler


Read on:mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04\packages\ti\control\mmwave\docs

We realized the PC demo visualize case data parsing through C++.But we are familiar with the process for other cases.Whether the car monitoring case has a detailed uart port data parsing document as perfect as demo visualzie.Thus we can understand the data in each TLV structure.In addition, we also tried to look at the Matlab code for inspiration, but the total packet length seems to be a little short, is this because the measurement was not detected in the laboratory?NumTLVs =1, type =6.According to the code in matlab, it should be mubTLVS=3, type 6, 7 and 8