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AWR1642: Change mmwave profileCfg constants at runtime

Part Number: AWR1642


We would like to be able to change profileCfg constant, such as startFreqConst, at runtime instead of compile time. For example, the radar has a default profileCfg with a set of chirp parameters decided at compile time. Then as it power up, we want to send it a command to change its startFreqConst or freqSlopeConst to a different value. Is it enough to do the following?


rlProfileCfg_t profileCfg;

MMWave_getProfileCfg(known_profile_handle, &profileCfg, &errCode);

profileCfg.startFreqConst = new_value;

Would the above code be enough for new_value to take effect, or will I need to delete the old profile and then use MMWave_addProfile(..., &profileCfg, ...)?

Thank you.

  • Hi,

    Using the mmwave SDK where you are using mmwave library then you can update profile config when frame is stopped, change profile pramater->add profile then MmwDemo_configSensor/MMWave_config. This MmwDemo_configSensor/MMWave_config call will configure the RadarSS with new profile config, then finally trigger the frame (startSensor).


    Another option is to use advanced frame where chirp set of each burst/sub-frame can connect to one of different profile (max 4 profiles). And these profiles can have different startFreqConst values.



  • Thank you Jitendra! One more question, after I added the new profile, deleted the old profile, did MMWave_config, I get 


    at runtime. From 

    ptrRFInitCompleteMessage = (rlRfInitComplete_t*)payload;
    calibrationStatus = ptrRFInitCompleteMessage->calibStatus & 0xFFFFU;
    System_printf("Debug: Init Calibration Status = 0x%x\n",calibrationStatus);

    I get the message

    Debug: Init Calibration Status = 0x17fe

    This translates to 0b1011111111110. The documentation says that bit 0 and 11 of the calibStatus are reserved. Does that mean it's okay I get 0 for them?

  • Hi,

    In the calibration status, bit:0 is reserved and that is correct to get value 0.

    In AWR1642 you won't see bit 0 and 11 to be set in the calibration status.

