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TDC1000: Minimum trigger update frequency

Part Number: TDC1000
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSS4470, , TUSS4440


   What is the minimum time before that should be given before triggering the ultrasonic sensor again, currently I am triggering the ultrasonic sensor 5 times, while the time difference between them is 3 milliseconds. And would that cause any error in reading?

  • Shankaranarayanan,

    The minimum time between each time-of-flight measurements is dependent on your maximum detectable distance requirement.

    For example, if you are waiting 3ms between each measurement, and you are performing a measurement through water, the speed of sound in water is about 1483m/s, so your maximum range is 2.2m because dist_one_way = v* t / 2.  In air, your maximum range is 50cm at 3ms because the speed of sound through air is about 343m/s.

    The longer your required range, the longer you should wait between measurements. Otherwise, you could see overlapping echoes from preceding measurements.

    Also, please see our updated Ultrasonic  E2E FAQ ( ). We have released two new devices, the TUSS4470 and TUSS4440 to displace the old TDC1000.