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AWR1443BOOST: LVDS Streaming - Modifying the MSS CSI Stream Application

Part Number: AWR1443BOOST
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1443


I have received help from mr. Yang on the topic of raw ADC data acquisition from my AWR1443 Radar.

The AWR version should not have native CSI support, while the IWR version should have it (as indicated in SWRS223, page 6 and SWRS2198 page 5).

Our intent is to work on the "MSS CSI Stream Application for XWR14xx" and adapt it to send out LVDS data of raw adc data, as suggested by mr. Yang previously.

I am writing the present post because the code is a little bulky and, while studying, I would love to receive a few pointers on the aforementioned task.

1. ) Which parts of the MSS CSI Stream application are specifically related to the protocol used in data trasmission? I assume there must be a part of register configuration for lanes and/or packet configuration (CSI or LVDS that is)

2. ) Should I operate on the data path anyhow or just on the control path to appropriately select LVDS data transmission? I am not interested in point cloud data, but RAW ADC data.

3. ) How can I configure what chirp, how many adc samples, what sampling frequency, which slope, should my radar output signal have?

Thank you,

Michele Marconi