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TS3DDR3812: Will TS3DDR3812RUAR carry the RGMII signals without introducing any issues?

Part Number: TS3DDR3812

My customer needs to isolate RGMII signals when some circuit (CPU) is not powered up. They are using TS3DDR3812RUAR as an isolation barrier.

  1. Will TS3DDR3812RUAR carry the RGMII signals without introducing any issues?
  2. are there any other better IC built by TI for the job?
  3. Does TI provide some buffer IC or something similar that can help drive the RGMII signals between two chips that are separated by 8 to 10inch on PCB and traversing through a set of connectors?
  1. What is the maximum allowed distance (or not to exceed recommended distance) that RGMII signals can be routed in the PCB?




  • Hi, Viktorija,

    For RGMII, the signal data rate for 1000Mbps is in the range of 125MHz, so the TS3DDR3812 will be able to handle the data rate with no issue given its high bandwidth of 1.675 GHz. Keep in my in order to have signal isolation, the switch needs to be powered-up as well. 

    If you are looking for signal isolation even when the switch is un-powered, look for a device with powered-off protection feature, such as the newly release TMUX1511

    Refer to the below E2E thread for more details of the powered-off protection feature.

    TI has some Ethernet buffers and redriver products. You may refer to the link for more information. I am no experts on Ethernet trace PCB routing. You may post question on the Ethernet forum and see if someone from the Ethernet team can help you out.

