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CCS/CC2640R2F: I cant debug through my code anymore

Part Number: CC2640R2F

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hello everyone, 

yesterday i was able to debug my project on my microcontroller. Today i was not able to debug my project anymore. Im able to debug the example project "hello" from the sdk (version 1.50). But i cant debug the example project "uartecho" from the sdk. 

This is the error that is print in the console in code composer studio: 

_M3_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete.
Cortex_M3_0: GEL Output: Board Reset Complete.
Cortex_M3_0: JTAG Communication Error: (Error -1170 @ 0x0) Unable to access the DAP. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package
Cortex_M3_0: Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint op-codes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging

I dont know how i messed it up. I tried to restart the ide and replug my microcontroller on my notebook. But that didnt resolve my issue. 

It would be nice if someone has a solution for this. :)

  • Hello,
    Please see the below link for more details on your issue and suggestions on how to resolve:

    I would try the Mass Erase recommendation

  • Hello,

    thanks for youre reply. I tried the mass erase but it didnt solve the issue.

    Anything else that i might tried to solve this issue?
  • Just to confirm:

    you mentioned that the "hello" example from the SDK worked. Are you referring to the SYS/BIOS example:

    you mentioned that the "uartecho" example from the SDK worked. Are you referring to the TI Drivers example:

    Are you using the CC2640R2 LaunchPad?

    And are you importing into the CCS IDE? If so, what version of CCS?

  • The "hello" example from the sdk work on the microcontroller. Yes, i refer to the SYS/BIOS example from the link which you added.

    The "uartecho" example from the sdk does not work on the microcontroller. Yes, i refer to the TI Drivers example from the link which you added.

    Im using the CC2640R2 Launchpad.

    Both examples are imported into the Code Composer Studio. Im using Code Composer Studio with the version

    The following explanation is refer to the "uartecho" example from the sdk.
    I set a breakpoint in line 57 in the file "uartecho.c". The line 57 contain this following code: GPIO_init().
    I build and load the example on the microcontroller.
    Im able to step over the code in the file "main_tirtos.c".
    But if i press the button "F8" to jump to the breakpoint which i set in the file "uartecho.c", then the console print an error.

    Thank you for trying to help me.
  • That is very unusual. I tried to reproduce the issue but I could not. It works fine for me. I break at line 57 of uartecho.c without error and I can continue stepping.

    You mentioned that it all used to work until recently. Did you update CCS before it stopped working?

    Also please try some of the suggestions in the Troubleshooting guide:

    The main things to try are to use a clean new workspace folder and to delete your launch configuration and target config caches

  • Thank you for youre help. It seems that my workspace was corrupt. I switched the workspace and imported the example to my new workspace. Now its working fine.