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Compiler/CC430F6137: Cannot place variable to specific memory location anymore with eabi/ELF output format

Part Number: CC430F6137

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

I need to make some change to an old project that use MSP430 TI 4.4.5 compiler and there is a warning message. 

warning #10204-D: could not resolve index library "libmath.a" to a compatible

Then, I change the build output format to ELF to resolve this warning message. Once I do that, I realize the linker no longer place the following variable to the specific memory location anymore. It works if I change the output back to legacy COFF. Do I miss anything?

#pragma DATA_SECTION(Image_boot, ".memlocation")
const unsigned char Image_boot[1024]={
#include "boot_sym.dat"





  • For this issue ...

    Jonathan Cheng26 said:
    warning #10204-D: could not resolve index library "libmath.a" to a compatible

    I suspect the linker attempted to build the missing RTS library, and this step failed.  To understand what happened, I need to see exactly how the linker is invoked, and all the resulting diagnostics.  Please copy-n-paste that from the Console (not Problems) view in CCS.

    For this issue ...

    Jonathan Cheng26 said:
    I realize the linker no longer place the following variable to the specific memory location anymore

    There has to be specific syntax in the linker command file which allocates the output section .memlocation to the specific memory location.  Please attach the linker command file to your next post.  Because the forum only accepts a few different kinds of files, add the file extension ".txt" to it.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Hi George,

    As mentioned in the question, I've already resolved the following warning message. 

    warning #10204-D: could not resolve index library "libmath.a" to a compatible
    remark #10372-D: (ULP 4.1) Detected uninitialized Port C in this project.
       Recommend initializing all unused ports to eliminate wasted current
       consumption on unused pins.
    'Finished building target: bed_tag.out'

    Basically, the TI CGT 4.4.5 math library is in ELF format. Therefore I need to change the output format from legacy COFF to eabi (ELF). Once I did that there is no more warning message.

    remark #10372-D: (ULP 4.1) Detected uninitialized Port C in this project.
       Recommend initializing all unused ports to eliminate wasted current
       consumption on unused pins.
    'Finished building target: bed_tag.out'

    But the question I have is that, once I use ELF format, the bootloader section is not there anymore. It used to work with COFF format.

    Output Format legacy COFF
             name            origin    length      used     unused   attr    fill
    ----------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ----  --------
      SFR                   00000000   00000010  00000000  00000010  RWIX
      PERIPHERALS_8BIT      00000010   000000f0  00000000  000000f0  RWIX
      PERIPHERALS_16BIT     00000100   00000100  00000000  00000100  RWIX
      INFOD                 00001800   00000080  00000000  00000080  RWIX
      INFOC                 00001880   00000080  00000000  00000080  RWIX
      INFOB                 00001900   00000080  00000000  00000080  RWIX
      INFOA                 00001980   00000080  00000000  00000080  RWIX
      RAM                   00001c00   00000ffe  00000ff8  00000006  RWIX
      FLASH                 00008000   00007a00  00007a00  00000000  RWIX  ffff
      BOOTLOADER            0000fa00   00000400  00000400  00000000  RWIX

    *          0    0000fa00    00000400    
                      0000fa00    00000400     main.obj (.bootloader)

    Output Format eabi (ELF)
             name            origin    length      used     unused   attr    fill
    ----------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  ----  --------
      SFR                   00000000   00000010  00000000  00000010  RWIX
      PERIPHERALS_8BIT      00000010   000000f0  00000000  000000f0  RWIX
      PERIPHERALS_16BIT     00000100   00000100  00000000  00000100  RWIX
      INFOD                 00001800   00000080  00000000  00000080  RWIX
      INFOC                 00001880   00000080  00000000  00000080  RWIX
      INFOB                 00001900   00000080  00000000  00000080  RWIX
      INFOA                 00001980   00000080  00000000  00000080  RWIX
      RAM                   00001c00   00000ffe  00000df3  0000020b  RWIX
      FLASH                 00008000   00007a00  00007a00  00000000  RWIX  ffff
      BOOTLOADER            0000fa00   00000400  00000000  00000400  RWIX

    The .bootloader section is used in the code

    #pragma DATA_SECTION(Image_boot, ".bootloader")
    const unsigned char Image_boot[1024]={
    #include "boot_sym.dat"

    I have attached the linker cmd file that define the memory section. As I mentioned before, there is no change in the linker cmd file and the code. But somehow the .bootloader section is empty when using ELF output format.



    /* lnk_cc430f6137.cmd - LINKER COMMAND FILE FOR LINKING CC430F6137 PROGRAMS     */
    /*                                                                            */
    /*   Usage:  lnk430 <obj files...>    -o <out file> -m <map file> lnk.cmd     */
    /*           cl430  <src files...> -z -o <out file> -m <map file> lnk.cmd     */
    /*                                                                            */
    /* These linker options are for command line linking only.  For IDE linking,  */
    /* you should set your linker options in Project Properties                   */
    /* -c                                               LINK USING C CONVENTIONS  */
    /* -stack  0x0100                                   SOFTWARE STACK SIZE       */
    /* -heap   0x0100                                   HEAP AREA SIZE            */
    /*                                                                            */
    /* SPECIFY THE SYSTEM MEMORY MAP                                            */
        SFR                     : origin = 0x0000, length = 0x0010
        PERIPHERALS_8BIT        : origin = 0x0010, length = 0x00F0
        PERIPHERALS_16BIT       : origin = 0x0100, length = 0x0100
        RAM                     : origin = 0x1C00, length = 0x0FFE
        INFOA                   : origin = 0x1980, length = 0x0080
        INFOB                   : origin = 0x1900, length = 0x0080
        INFOC                   : origin = 0x1880, length = 0x0080
        INFOD                   : origin = 0x1800, length = 0x0080
        FLASH                   : origin = 0x8000, length = 0x7A00, fill = 0xFFFF
        //FLASH2					: origin = 0xF9F0, length = 0x0010
        BOOTLOADER				: origin = 0xFA00, length = 0x0400
        EMPTY  				    : origin = 0xFE00, length = 0x0180, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT00                   : origin = 0xFF80, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT01                   : origin = 0xFF82, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT02                   : origin = 0xFF84, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT03                   : origin = 0xFF86, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT04                   : origin = 0xFF88, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT05                   : origin = 0xFF8A, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT06                   : origin = 0xFF8C, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT07                   : origin = 0xFF8E, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT08                   : origin = 0xFF90, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT09                   : origin = 0xFF92, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT10                   : origin = 0xFF94, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT11                   : origin = 0xFF96, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT12                   : origin = 0xFF98, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT13                   : origin = 0xFF9A, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT14                   : origin = 0xFF9C, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT15                   : origin = 0xFF9E, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT16                   : origin = 0xFFA0, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT17                   : origin = 0xFFA2, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT18                   : origin = 0xFFA4, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT19                   : origin = 0xFFA6, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT20                   : origin = 0xFFA8, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT21                   : origin = 0xFFAA, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT22                   : origin = 0xFFAC, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT23                   : origin = 0xFFAE, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT24                   : origin = 0xFFB0, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT25                   : origin = 0xFFB2, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT26                   : origin = 0xFFB4, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT27                   : origin = 0xFFB6, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT28                   : origin = 0xFFB8, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT29                   : origin = 0xFFBA, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT30                   : origin = 0xFFBC, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT31                   : origin = 0xFFBE, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT32                   : origin = 0xFFC0, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT33                   : origin = 0xFFC2, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT34                   : origin = 0xFFC4, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT35                   : origin = 0xFFC6, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT36                   : origin = 0xFFC8, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT37                   : origin = 0xFFCA, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT38                   : origin = 0xFFCC, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT39                   : origin = 0xFFCE, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT40                   : origin = 0xFFD0, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT41                   : origin = 0xFFD2, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT42                   : origin = 0xFFD4, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT43                   : origin = 0xFFD6, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT44                   : origin = 0xFFD8, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT45                   : origin = 0xFFDA, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT46                   : origin = 0xFFDC, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT47                   : origin = 0xFFDE, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT48                   : origin = 0xFFE0, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT49                   : origin = 0xFFE2, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT50                   : origin = 0xFFE4, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT51                   : origin = 0xFFE6, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT52                   : origin = 0xFFE8, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT53                   : origin = 0xFFEA, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT54                   : origin = 0xFFEC, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT55                   : origin = 0xFFEE, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT56                   : origin = 0xFFF0, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT57                   : origin = 0xFFF2, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT58                   : origin = 0xFFF4, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT59                   : origin = 0xFFF6, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT60                   : origin = 0xFFF8, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT61                   : origin = 0xFFFA, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        INT62                   : origin = 0xFFFC, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
        RESET                   : origin = 0xFFFE, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF
    /* SPECIFY THE SECTIONS ALLOCATION INTO MEMORY                              */
        .bss        : {} > RAM                /* GLOBAL & STATIC VARS              */
        .data       : {} > RAM                /* GLOBAL & STATIC VARS              */
        .sysmem     : {} > RAM                /* DYNAMIC MEMORY ALLOCATION AREA    */
        .stack      : {} > RAM (HIGH)         /* SOFTWARE SYSTEM STACK             */
        .text       : {} > FLASH              /* CODE                              */
        .cinit      : {} > FLASH              /* INITIALIZATION TABLES             */
        .const      : {} > FLASH              /* CONSTANT DATA                     */
        .cio        : {} > RAM                /* C I/O BUFFER                      */
    	//.codeData   : {} > FLASH2             /* CODE READ ONLY DATA		           */
        .bootloader : {} > BOOTLOADER         /* BOOTLOADER CODE		           */
        .infoA     : {} > INFOA               /* MSP430 INFO FLASH MEMORY SEGMENTS */
        .infoB     : {} > INFOB
        .infoC     : {} > INFOC
        .infoD     : {} > INFOD
        /* MSP430 INTERRUPT VECTORS          */
        .int00       : {}               > INT00
        .int01       : {}               > INT01
        .int02       : {}               > INT02
        .int03       : {}               > INT03
        .int04       : {}               > INT04
        .int05       : {}               > INT05
        .int06       : {}               > INT06
        .int07       : {}               > INT07
        .int08       : {}               > INT08
        .int09       : {}               > INT09
        .int10       : {}               > INT10
        .int11       : {}               > INT11
        .int12       : {}               > INT12
        .int13       : {}               > INT13
        .int14       : {}               > INT14
        .int15       : {}               > INT15
        .int16       : {}               > INT16
        .int17       : {}               > INT17
        .int18       : {}               > INT18
        .int19       : {}               > INT19
        .int20       : {}               > INT20
        .int21       : {}               > INT21
        .int22       : {}               > INT22
        .int23       : {}               > INT23
        .int24       : {}               > INT24
        .int25       : {}               > INT25
        .int26       : {}               > INT26
        .int27       : {}               > INT27
        .int28       : {}               > INT28
        .int29       : {}               > INT29
        .int30       : {}               > INT30
        .int31       : {}               > INT31
        .int32       : {}               > INT32
        .int33       : {}               > INT33
        .int34       : {}               > INT34
        .int35       : {}               > INT35
        .int36       : {}               > INT36
        .int37       : {}               > INT37
        .int38       : {}               > INT38
        .int39       : {}               > INT39
        .int40       : {}               > INT40
        .int41       : {}               > INT41
        .int42       : {}               > INT42
        .int43       : {}               > INT43
        .int44       : {}               > INT44
        AES          : { * ( .int45 ) } > INT45 type = VECT_INIT
        RTC          : { * ( .int46 ) } > INT46 type = VECT_INIT
        LCD_B        : { * ( .int47 ) } > INT47 type = VECT_INIT
        PORT2        : { * ( .int48 ) } > INT48 type = VECT_INIT
        PORT1        : { * ( .int49 ) } > INT49 type = VECT_INIT
        TIMER1_A1    : { * ( .int50 ) } > INT50 type = VECT_INIT
        TIMER1_A0    : { * ( .int51 ) } > INT51 type = VECT_INIT
        DMA          : { * ( .int52 ) } > INT52 type = VECT_INIT
        CC1101       : { * ( .int53 ) } > INT53 type = VECT_INIT
        TIMER0_A1    : { * ( .int54 ) } > INT54 type = VECT_INIT
        TIMER0_A0    : { * ( .int55 ) } > INT55 type = VECT_INIT
        ADC12        : { * ( .int56 ) } > INT56 type = VECT_INIT
        USCI_B0      : { * ( .int57 ) } > INT57 type = VECT_INIT
        USCI_A0      : { * ( .int58 ) } > INT58 type = VECT_INIT
        WDT          : { * ( .int59 ) } > INT59 type = VECT_INIT
        COMP_B       : { * ( .int60 ) } > INT60 type = VECT_INIT
        UNMI         : { * ( .int61 ) } > INT61 type = VECT_INIT
        SYSNMI       : { * ( .int62 ) } > INT62 type = VECT_INIT
        .reset       : {}               > RESET  /* MSP430 RESET VECTOR         */ 
    /* INCLUDE PERIPHERALS MEMORY MAP                                           */
    -l cc430f6137.cmd

  • Jonathan Cheng26 said:
    But somehow the .bootloader section is empty when using ELF output format.

    Add this pragma ...

    #pragma RETAIN(Image_boot)

    Your program must not have any reads or writes of the array Image_boot.  In EABI, a data object that is never referenced is removed (left out, really) by the linker.  This is default behavior of the linker under EABI.  Under the old COFFABI, the default behavior is opposite.  A data object that is never referenced is still part of the program, unless special steps are taken. 

    I apologize for not recognizing this sooner. 

    Thanks and regards,
