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CCS/MSP432P401R: launchpad out of box experience gui ticlouldagentbridge failure

Part Number: MSP432P401R

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


  I am using macosx 10.1.=4.6, CCS V9 and firefox, I followed the steps in the wiki, no private browing, etc.

I  get the "connecting..." message and the connection never appears to complete - that is, I assume something interesting is supposed to happen.

  I see no file created at /tmp/my.log.

however, when I try a different demo that does not depend on the browser, the blinked_msp432, I can run that fine, so I know the problem is probably the browser setup.

any help?


  • robert schaefer said:
    I  get the "connecting..." message and the connection never appears to complete - that is, I assume something interesting is supposed to happen.

    Is this when you open the Out of Box Experience GUI and click on Connect? Could you show a screenshot?

    I assume you went through the TI Cloud Agent installation. Did that complete without errors?

    robert schaefer said:
    I followed the steps in the wiki, no private browing, etc.

    Are you referring to this wiki?

    Have you also looked into the proxy settings as described in that page?

    Also, are you able to try it out with Chrome so we can identify if it is browser specific?

  • I am still experiencing failure.

    1. screenshots are (or hopefully, will be) attached

    2. cloud agent completed without errors

    3. Yes, I am referring to that wiki

    4. firefox and chrome settings show no proxy

    5. same results (failure) with chrome.

    Note: I tried chrome before and after downloading and enabling the ticloudagent, the behavior was the same.

    Question: Is there a way to DIRECTLY test the ticloudagent that returns with ok or fault?

    attachments below:

  • One more question - can you otherwise connect to the Launchpad directly using CCS, (ie) connect, load and run one of the example projects on the Launchpad?

  • Yes, I am able to use CCS and download and run other examples, just not the TICloudAgent.

    I have also run into problems with the EnergyTrace tool (it raises a Java null pointer exception in CCS) but I put that into a different problem thread.

  • Robert,

    We have been trying this out internally and it seems there are some inconsistencies across different operating systems.

    On Windows, these are my observations:

    I first build and load the out of box experience example code onto the Launchpad - this can be done using either CCS Desktop or CCS Cloud. Then start up  the GUI is one of the following ways.

    1) Online Resource Explorer:

    - Launch the GUI from online Resource Explorer link.
    - Click on Connect - connects to the board
    - Select COM port, click Open
    - Change blink rate and LED color - works as expected

    2) Resource Explorer in desktop CCS :

    - Launch the GUI from Resource Explorer inside CCS
    - Click on Connect - it shows "Connecting" but never connects

    This seems to be a known limitation in how these GUIs work from Resource Explorer within CCS. I will file a bug report for this so we can track it for a future release.

    3) Directly from within SDK installation:

    - Start up OutOfBox_MSP432P401R_GUI.exe from C:\ti\simplelink_msp432p4_sdk_3_20_00_06\tools\OutOfBox_MSP432P401R_GUI\windows
    - This works similar to method 1

    On MacOS, I haven't been able to check how the GUI works from online Resource Explorer due to some network issues on my lab machine.
    I am also having trouble starting up the executable inside C:\ti\simplelink_msp432p4_sdk_3_20_00_06\tools\OutOfBox_MSP432P401R_GUI\macos

    Could you please confirm if any of the above 3 methods work for you on MacOS? You may need to unplug/replug the Launchpad once after loading the code on to the board but before connecting from GUI.

  • Hi,

      I am about to take vacation time to the end of this week, and will try out the methods first thing next week.

    bob s.

  • robert schaefer said:
    I am about to take vacation time to the end of this week, and will try out the methods first thing next week.

    Thank you.

    AartiG said:
    This seems to be a known limitation in how these GUIs work from Resource Explorer within CCS. I will file a bug report for this so we can track it for a future release.

    I found that we already had a defect report filed to track this issue - the ID is REX-1235.

  • HI,

      That there is a bug report, I am assuming there is nothing more for me to followup/try.

      bob s.

  • robert schaefer said:
    That there is a bug report, I am assuming there is nothing more for me to followup/try.

    The bug report is for running the GUI from Resource Explorer inside desktop CCS (method 2 described in my earlier post).

    I am curious if running the GUI using either method 1 or 3 work for you on MacOS (they do for me on Windows).

    1) Online Resource Explorer:

    - Launch the GUI from online Resource Explorer link.
    - Click on Connect - connects to the board
    - Select COM port, click Open
    - Change blink rate and LED color 

    3) Directly from within SDK installation:

    - Start up OutOfBox_MSP432P401R_GUI from /simplelink_msp432p4_sdk_3_20_00_06/tools/OutOfBox_MSP432P401R_GUI/macos
    - Follow the same steps as above to run it

  • 1.
    firefox: "Target Status: Could not connect to target:"

    chrome: "Target Status: connecting..." followed by "serial port already open"

    probably from the chrome run. I unplug/replug the USB then press the disconnect/reconnect button and try again

    I get connections success, and I see the demo. however, the "change tri-color led's color" slider slides but the "LED" fails to change its color  and the "set led beats per minute" bpm number changes but the "LED" fails to change its blink rate

    I make sure to close and disconnect for a clean exit.

    3. "Target Status: connecting..."
    does not connect after a half minute wait, nor is an error message generated

  • Robert,

    Thank you for testing. These issues appear to be specific to MacOS as the same steps work well on Windows. I have filed another bug to track these MacOS issues - the tracking ID is TICLD-3057.