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CCS/MSP432P401M: UART with 300 BaudRate

Part Number: MSP432P401M

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hello all,

We want to use 300 Baudrate Uart, with Ti-Rtos witch is need configure in SysConfig for 'UART_Init()'.
But there the Baud Rates selectable 1200, 2400, ... 921600 possibility only.
I know, the line below should be in the 'Generated Source\SysConfig\ti_drivers_config.c' file:

UARTMSP432_BaudrateConfig uartMSP432Baudrates[] = {
{ 300, 32768, 6, 13, 34, 1 },

I just don't know how to do this.
Or how to implement this into 'UART_config' outwardly.
Or how to replace the generated file to one external generated file.
Thanks for any help.


  • Hi Zsolt,

    Are you not able to just replace the generated config value for 1200 baud 

    UARTMSP432_BaudrateConfig uartMSP432Baudrates[] = {
    { 1200, 32768, 1, 11, 37, 1 },

    with the above one you have for 300 baud? Are you not able to just edit the file?


  • Hello Srinivas,

    In the meantime, I found the opportunity.
    I didn't know how to use external ti_drves_config.c and .h file.
    I already know that you only need to put it in the main directory of the project and delete everything from * .syscfg in the SysConfig editor.
    Why can't specify a custom baud rate in the SysConfig Editor?


  • Hi Zsolt,

    Klaus Gumpesberger said:
    Why can't specify a custom baud rate in the SysConfig Editor?

    I think the SysConfig was developed to address known configuration cases that are most commonly used. This limited set will allow them to validate the output.  With a custom or arbitrary baud rate, it is difficult to validate across all the available devices. That must have been why they limited the scope of the SysConfig tool.
