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what is the configuration setting in tics pro to configure LMK04610 IC.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04610, USB2ANY


I am trying to configure LMK04610 using tics pro but i am unable to configure, output of PLL2 (i.e clkout1...10) i am not getting at the output port. OSCin can't use because IC is not there in my custom board, we can only use CLKin1, is it possible to clkin1 without oscin.

1). CLLin1 i am feeding externally from function generator also tell me how much i have to feed input frequency from function generator and other required setting.

2). USB2ANY i am using to connect my custom board from TICS PRO, and SPI serial protocol i am using.

Please tell me the required setting to configure LMK04610 IC from TICS PRO.

Thanks and Regards,

Shyamu Jha

  • Hello Jha

    In TICS Pro, please set the operating modes first to select PLL2 Single Loop PLL2 with Ref = CLKinx

    Then configure the R and N dividers on PLL2 page, and the output channel controls.


  • Hello Keese

    Thanks for your reply,

    I already tried whatever configuration you are telling but i am unable to get PLL2 output (OSCout i don't want), CLKin1 i am giving externally from function generator i.e. 30.72Mhz is it correct or not.

  • Hello Shyamu,

    1. Load TICS Pro with the default configuration, to ensure a known good state. (Top menu bar, "Default Configuration")
    2. From the "Operating Modes" page, select one of the "Single Loop PLL2" options where Ref=CLKINx
    3. From the PLL2 page, set the second box (CLKIN_FREQ) to your desired input frequency (e.g. 30.72 MHz) and configure the remaining PLL and output settings as desired
    4. Perform a hardware reset by toggling the RESETN line low.
    5. After resetting, write all registers
    6. From the "Generic" page, in the "Device Operation" menu, press the "Device Start" button.

    If this does not work, try omitting steps 2/3, change the function generator to 122.88 MHz, and confirm that the PLL can lock at all.


  • Thanks DEREK, your procedure is working fine.

    it is working, actually the problem was in reset. now i am doing hardware pin reset from usb2any adapter previously it reset was not happening properly.

    one more doubt i have, actually i am giving 30.72Mhz from function generator and i am getting 122.88Mhz on CLKout1, i followed your procedure DEREK, i wants different frequency like 983.04Mhz in the output, i tried but i am unable to do.

    can you give me registers configuration file for this or can you tell me the step by step procedure to get different-different frequency in the output.

    Once again Thanks DEREK.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Shyamu Jha