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SIMPLELINK-CC2640R2-SDK: v2.20.00.49 Off-chip OAD not working. BTool/OAD Target says OAD Download successful, but new image is not loaded.

Part Number: SIMPLELINK-CC2640R2-SDK
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640R2F

EDIT: It's not just my OAD distributor code, even the Out-of-the-box simple peripheral off-chip OAD demo provided with the v2.20.00.49 SDK doesn't work with my set-up. Would be helpful if someone confirms that they see the same issue. I have no problems with the on-chip OAD demo. 


This is my set-up:

1. 2x LAUNCHXL- CC2640R2

2. OAD Downloader/Distributor (written by me)

3. OAD Target (the simple peripheral off-chip OAD example without any modifications)

4. OAD Image used for testing: Just the output *_oad.bin file generated by the build. The ONLY difference from the example simple peripheral off-chip OAD example is the Software Version.

5. BleStack project (NOT ble5)

6. IDE: IAR 8.20

I have implemented an OAD Distributor which transfers a firmware image to the OAD target. The image is downloaded successfully, image is enabled, and the OAD target responds with FLASH_SUCCESS, which indicates that the image has been validated AND saved successfully to external Flash AND the meta-header has been written as well.

But, the newly loaded image is not loaded, even after a power-off/on reset. The BIM seems to find the meta-header successfully, but the CRC check on the entire image fails. Is there something I'm doing wrong?? Similar result when I use BTool. Is there something I'm missing? Maybe in the way the binary is generated maybe? 

Thanks for your help!
