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CC2564MODA: CC2564MODA BLE not working

Part Number: CC2564MODA


Can you please help provide guidance:

We are trying to establish BLE communication with one android based target with Apple phone for Apple notifications.

The BT modules used in CC2564MODA, and the software stack used in BlueZ.

 The classic Blutooth is working fine with Apple. But we do have issues with BLE.

 While we try to setup a request for apple notifications, we are getting the below error on the device.


We are getting following error and it is going into infinite loop. Any ideas how to resolve?

 bluez/hci0/dev_45_3C_CD_F5_E9_39/service0019/char001d \                        <

> org.bluez.GattCharacteristic1.StartNotify
[  658.669642] Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available
[  658.809850] Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available
[  658.949775] Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available
[  659.089802] Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available
[  659.229825] Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available
[  659.368664] Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available
[  659.509851] Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available
[  659.649843] Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available
[  659.789856] Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available
[  659.929837] Bluetooth: SMP security requested but not available



 The same software is not having issue on other hardware designs.

 Can you suggest some inputs to proceed. 



  • Viktorija,

    BlueZ is an opensource stack and not officially supported by TI. It is generally supported by the BlueZ linux community. So we will not be able to provide much help in debugging the SW itself.

    That being said, we can take a look at the CC2564MODA FW logs for the passing and failing hardware designs. Hopefully, that comparison can help us understand the issue.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Vihang,


    we are working on a target with this bluetooth module CC2564MODA, on a android platform.
    the same bluez/android target is working fine and receiving notification from other apple phone, if we are using other vendor's BT modules .

    So we were hoping that we should receive notification with the same procedure, but we have some issues.

    Can someone please confirm on whether this module supports to receive Apple Notifications. By any chance was this tested on any other designs.

    Let me know if my query lacks some details, will try to provide.

  • Android uses Bluedroid and currently, we have no support for it on Marshmellow with TI EVMs.. Some third parties support CC256x/WL18xx BT integration with Android.. We, can pass along those contacts..

  • Hi Hari,

    Thanks for the inputs.

    Only once, we got received the Apple notification on our BT device.
    But later we never received it.
    we could capture the BT logs in both conditions, thought it might give your team some more details.
    These can be opened with wireshark, can your team help us in understanding on what could be the reason.
    But i am not able to attach them in this portal. Not sure on how to share your team.