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SensorTag Osal_snv

Hi, i works on the trial version (IAR) but now, after an extension of 15 days. I decided (not choice) to return on CCS but i can't use osal_snv_write. I have been following the instructions on dataSheet to works() but i have an error : 

Description	Resource	Path	Location	Type
<a href="file:/c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/10099.html">#10099-D</a>  program will not fit into available memory.  placement with alignment fails for section ".text" size 0xb29e .  Available memory ranges:	cc26xx_ble_app_oad.cmd	/SensorTag/TOOLS	line 104	C/C++ Problem

I delete the boundary in "build option", change RAM and Stack, and define "osal_snv=1" in predifined symbols.

So how to use "osal_snv_write" with ccs? My project is based on SensorTag project in BLEstack 2.0.

Thanks you in advance for your help. 

  • Hello SkyMan,

    The API functions the same way as with IAR. Specifically, did you reset the boundary RAM and flash addresses as per 3.12 Configuration of RAM and Flash Boundary Using the Boundary Tool in the SWRU393 SW Dev Guide?

    Also, I do recommend you use BLE 2.1.1, there are enhancements to flash usage in this build.

    Best wishes
  • Thanks JXS, andyes, i use already BLE 2.1.1. How did you reset the boundary RAM and flash? When i used ccs after IAR, i reinstall the "simplelink" with Ble.
    I tryed with ICALL RAM0 ADDR=0x20000000 and ICALL STACK0 ADDR=0x00000000 but i have the same error. I don't understand how it's possible to bug with ccs but it's good with IAR.
  • No problem. Your ICALL values look correct, make sure they are done in both CCS boundary files (compiler & linker). You should build the stack again which should update the boundary files to the proper value which trigger another build error (sigh). Then re-build the stack. You can then rebuild your application. Although complex, it does maximize the size of the stack flash/RAM footprint so you get the max memory for your App.

    Good news: this procedure is 'greatly simplified' in the next SDK. Only build the Stack once then rebuild the App.

    Also, if you are using the SensorTag app as your baseline example, you can free up more flash by disabling the BT4.1 Controller configuration. In buildConfig.opt (stack proj), comment out the lines with -DCTRL_V41_CONFIG and -DL2CAP_CO_CHANNELS .

    Best wishes
  • So at this time, i have delete boundary like 3.12 in devGuid in the "build" and "step", change the ICALL in compiler & linker and  comment out the lines in buildConfig.opt. But i have the same error :

    Description	Resource	Path	Location	Type
    #10264 SRAM memory range overlaps existing memory range FLASH	cc26xx_ble_app_oad.cmd	/SensorTag/TOOLS	line 93	C/C++ Problem

  • Hello,

    Did you make any other changes to the project settings, like change the processor variant setting?

    Best wishes
  • No, i didn't make any other changes to the project settings.
  • Hi, 

    I install the last version of CCS V6.1.3 (before, i have 6.1.2 and now 6.1.3) and i reinstall simplelink, so it's a new sensortag project. 

    What i have done :

    1_ I change in linker.cmd and compiler.bcfg the ICALL to 


    I clean both and build and i have not error but osal_snv_write/read return "2" when i try.

    2_ In sensortagStack, i delete in predefined symbols "NO_OSAL_SNV" and add "OSAL_SNV=1" , i delete the boundary in build option, i comment out line in BuildConfig.opt and i have errors when i clean/build stack : 

    Description	Resource	Path	Location	Type
    #1965 cannot open source file "NVINTF.h"	.ccsproject	/SensorTagStack	line 49, external location: C:\ti\simplelink\ble_cc26xx_2_01_01_44627\Components\services\nv\cc26xx\nvocop.h	C/C++ Problem
    gmake: *** [all] Error 2	SensorTagStack		 	C/C++ Problem
    gmake[1]: *** [OSAL/osal_snv_wrapper.obj] Error 1	SensorTagStack		 	C/C++ Problem
    gmake[1]: Target 'main-build' not remade because of errors.	SensorTagStack		 	C/C++ Problem

    and when i clean/build the app : 

    Description	Resource	Path	Location	Type
    #10010 errors encountered during linking; "SensorTag.out" not built	SensorTag		 	C/C++ Problem
    gmake: *** [SensorTag.out] Error 1	SensorTag		 	C/C++ Problem
    gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors.	SensorTag		 	C/C++ Problem
    #10264 SRAM memory range overlaps existing memory range FLASH	cc26xx_ble_app_oad.cmd	/SensorTag/TOOLS	line 93	C/C++ Problem
    <a href="file:/c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/10099.html">#10099-D</a>  program will not fit into available memory.  run placement with alignment fails for section ".bss" size 0x1817 .  Available memory ranges:	cc26xx_ble_app_oad.cmd	/SensorTag/TOOLS	line 117	C/C++ Problem
    <a href="file:/c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/10099.html">#10099-D</a>  program will not fit into available memory.  run placement with alignment fails for section ".data" size 0x1e1c .  Available memory ranges:	cc26xx_ble_app_oad.cmd	/SensorTag/TOOLS	line 116	C/C++ Problem
    <a href="file:/c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/10099.html">#10099-D</a>  program will not fit into available memory.  run placement with alignment fails for section ".stack" size 0x400 .  Available memory ranges:	cc26xx_ble_app_oad.cmd	/SensorTag/TOOLS	line 119	C/C++ Problem

    I think I missed something^^.

  • For the sensorTagStack, i add in include option the path for nvintf and it's good, but i have already an error in sensortagApp.

    Description	Resource	Path	Location	Type
    #10010 errors encountered during linking; "SensorTag.out" not built	SensorTag		 	C/C++ Problem
    #10264 SRAM memory range overlaps existing memory range FLASH	cc26xx_ble_app_oad.cmd	/SensorTag/TOOLS	line 93	C/C++ Problem
    <a href="file:/c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/10099.html">#10099-D</a>  program will not fit into available memory.  run placement with alignment fails for section ".bss" size 0x1817 .  Available memory ranges:	cc26xx_ble_app_oad.cmd	/SensorTag/TOOLS	line 117	C/C++ Problem
    <a href="file:/c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/10099.html">#10099-D</a>  program will not fit into available memory.  run placement with alignment fails for section ".data" size 0x1e1c .  Available memory ranges:	cc26xx_ble_app_oad.cmd	/SensorTag/TOOLS	line 116	C/C++ Problem
    <a href="file:/c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/dmed/HTML/10099.html">#10099-D</a>  program will not fit into available memory.  run placement with alignment fails for section ".stack" size 0x400 .  Available memory ranges:	cc26xx_ble_app_oad.cmd	/SensorTag/TOOLS	line 119	C/C++ Problem
    gmake: *** [SensorTag.out] Error 1	SensorTag		 	C/C++ Problem
    gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors.	SensorTag		 	C/C++ Problem

  • Thanks JXS, i found a solution, i make like i say but i change the ICALL Value to 0x0000E000 and 0x2000445C and twice build so its work ;).
    But can you explain me Why it works with its values and not with the value write in the datasheet?