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CC2650 Clock Callbacks are missing while connecting to mobile phone


I need to do 250Hz (4ms) stable periodic application work. My code is as below

Clock Construction

Clock_Params clockParams;

// Convert clockDuration in milliseconds to ticks.
uint32_t clockTicks = 400;

// Setup parameters.

// Setup argument.
clockParams.arg = SAMPLING_ON;

// If period is 0, this is a one-shot timer.
clockParams.period = 400;

// Starts immediately after construction if true, otherwise wait for a call
// to start.
clockParams.startFlag = false;

// Initialize clock instance.//clockHandler //SimpleBLEPeripheral_clockHandler
Clock_construct(&SamplingClock, clockHandler, clockTicks, &clockParams);

ClockHandler function is as below

static void clockHandler(UArg arg) {
// Store the event.
events |= arg;


// Wake up the application.

The Sampling is stable without connecting to the mobile phone. I had kept more than one day without any losses of the device. But when the mobile phone connecting to the device it losses samples.

sem_SPI is pend at another task. 
I tried to solve problem increasing priority of the task. For that I have tried setting priority to 6. But the problem remained same.
And I made a counter in clockHandler and it revealed me that clockHandler is not called properly. It losses samples.

Can anyone help me to solve this out. 

BLE Stack 2.1
XDC Tools