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CC2640: Btool commands for Bluetooth Certification tests

Part Number: CC2640

Hello team,

Hope you are doing well. Please see below question from customer:

I'm working on doing the BLE certification for one of our products using the CC2640. I'm using the PTS software from the SIG and BTool. So far I've had to manually enter in commands into BTool to get the appropriate settings on the CC2640 to send to the PTS software. Most of the time, I'm digging through trying to find out the proper settings. Is there something like a guide that TI has for executing the Bluetooth Certification tests? Or a script that will execute BTool commands? 

  • Hello,

    I would recommend using production test mode and authoring an HCI script to send the production test commands to the DUT

    HCI tester has a scripting language that supports automating the commands.
  • Hi Sean,

    Please see the customer's comments below. Do we have any code that we can share to help with their BT certification?:

    Does TI have scripts for the HCI Tester that are already written for BLE certification? I'm referring to code that will help execute the tests from the bluetooth sig. For example, one of the tests named  GAP/BROB/BCST/BV-01-C calls for sending a non-connectable undirected advertising report. In the HCITester we then run:



    Send_GAP_DeviceInit 0x04, 20, 0, 0, 1

    Wait_HCI_Vendor_Specific_Event 5000, 0x67f, , , 

    Wait_HCI_Vendor_Specific_Event 5000, 0x600, , , , , , 

    Send_GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData 0x01, "02:01:00"

    Wait_HCI_Vendor_Specific_Event 5000, 0x67f, , , 

    Wait_HCI_Vendor_Specific_Event 5000, 0x0602, , 

    Send_GAP_DeviceDiscoveryRequest 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

    Send_GAP_MakeDiscoverable 0x03, 0, 0, 0x07, 0x00

    sleep (1000)


    With this code we are able to pass the test. The issue is that there are quite literally hundreds of these tests all with different parameters that need to be adjusted to pass. I thought maybe TI had scripts or code that we can run to set the radio to pass tests required by the sig. We are trying to do the certification ourselves. 



  • Hello Antonio,

    Please refer to the "How to certify your Bluetooth product" article on the TI BLE Wiki. Only Adopted Profile and RF-PHY testing may be required, the latter only if you are not using a pre-certified module. There is no need to run the GAP or other Host PICS since these are covered by TI's protocol stack QDID.

    Best wishes
  • Thanks - the customer went through that page before and had trouble since it is outdated now that the SIG updated their site. Do we have plans to update it?

  • Thanks for the update. We do intend to update the page to match the updated workflows from the new Specification Workspace. However, all of the substantive content remains the same as there were no changes to the certification process itself.

    Beyond that, is there anything further outstanding related to this inquiry?

    Best wishes
  • Thanks! I just received feedback that they were able to get through this.



  • Hi Antonio,

    Thanks for following up, I will close the thread.