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Compiler/CC2540: pairing fails when iOS is peripheral and CC2540 acts as central

Part Number: CC2540

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler


I have a pairing/bonding issue with iOS peripheral when CC2540 acts as central. I am using BLE Stack 1.4.2 on CC2540 USB Dongle. I have customized the BLECentral example in order to discover my own device and services.


I need to pair and bond the iOS peripheral without a passkey and I mus have the auto-reconnect if the devices get disconnected.

I am using the following settings.



#define MITM_MODE                     FALSE

#define BONDING_MODE                  TRUE



On the iOS side, my own services/characteristics are not encrypted, however, I believe the Battery Service is encrypted and cannot be changed.


According to the attached snapshot taken from TI Packet Sniffer, the pairing fails with message “SM_Pairing_Failed” issued from the peripheral. Every time a pairing dialogue pops up on the iPhone, however, my device is added to the iPhone’s pairing list. I have absolutely no problem with Android and pairing/bonding/auto-reconnect work well.


I also tested the PAIRING_MODE  to GAPBOND_PAIRING_MODE_NO_PAIRING case. I will not have the bonding, hence, auto-reconnect. 

Any help's appreciated. 
