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PQT Never Reached

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1125


I am using a CC1125 in sniff mode to receive packets from a legacy device. 

The transmit packet is manchester encoded 600bps. To use sniff mode we thought we could set data rate on the receiver to 1200bps.

The normal packet as 600bps is 4 bytes of preamble (FF), then a sync pulse then another byte of preamble (FF) then data payload.

The packet as 1200bps then becomes. 

8 bytes Preamble CCCCCCCC 11001100110011001100110011001100

1/2 byte sync pulse 10

2 more byte of preamble CC 11001100

I want to use it in transparent mode and decode at the MCU end.

I'm monitoring serial rx and PQT reached.

I never get PQT reached. I have monitored PQT valid and can see that being asserted. Am I missing something? This is my first time using a CC1125.

I'm nto confident of my sync word set up but I thought even if that was wrong I would still get PQT reached.

0xB0, // 0x0000 IOCFG3 - GPIO input and output disabled, GPIO3 IO pin configuration register.
0x09, // 0x0001 IOCFG2 - output the serial rx GPIO2 IO pin configuration register.
0xB0, // 0x0002 IOCFG1 - PSI so signal GPIO1 IO pin configuration register.
0x0B, // 0x0003 IOCFG0 - inv op dis, pqt reached GPIO0 IO pin configuration register.
0x33, // 0x0004 SYNC3 ? Sync word programming (31:24).
0x32, // 0x0005 SYNC2 ? Sync word programming (23:16).
0xCC, // 0x0006 SYNC1 ? 3332CCCC Sync word programming (15:8).
0xCC, // 0x0007 SYNC0 ? Sync word programming (7:0).
0x08, // 0x0008 SYNC_CFG1 - pqt gating dis, sync threshold 8 Sync Word Detection Programming
0x17, // 0x0009 SYNC_CFG0 - 16 bit sync word ?, no bit checking 17 Sync Word Length Programming
0xA3, // 0x000A DEVIATION_M Frequency Deviation Programming
0x02, // 0x000B MODCFG_DEV_E - normal modem, 2FSK, Dev ex 2 Modulation Format and Frequency Deviation Programming
0x1C, // 0x000C DCFILT_CFG - dc filt alg en, 256 settling period, cutoff f Digital DC removal Programming
0x17, // 0x000D PREAMBLE_CFG1 - 3 bits min preA, preA word is cc , Preamble Length Programming
0x2A, // 0x000E PREAMBLE_CFG0 - preA det en, 16 symbols, pqt threshold 10 Preamble Detection Programming
0x33, // 0x000F FREQ_IF_CFG - if component RX Mixer Frequency Programming
0xC6, // 0x0010 IQIC - Digital Image Channel Compensation Programming
0x1D, // 0x0011 CHAN_BW - ch filt en, dec factor 20 Channel Filter Programming
0x06, // 0x0012 MDMCFG1 - no cs, fifo dis, man enc dis, 9db dvga General Modem Parameter register.
0x4A, // 0x0013 MDMCFG0 - transp en, viterbi en was 45 General Modem Parameter register.
0x3F, // 0x0014 DRATE2 Symbol Rate Programming Exponent and Mantissa (19:16).
0x75, // 0x0015 DRATE1 Symbol Rate Programming Mantissa (15:8).
0x10, // 0x0016 DRATE0 Symbol Rate Programming Mantissa (7:0).
0x20, // 0x0017 AGC_REF AGC Reference Level
0x19, // 0x0018 AGC_CS_THR Carrier Sense Threshold Programming
0x00, // 0x0019 AGC_GAIN_ADJUST RSSI Offset Programming.
0x91, // 0x001A AGC_CFG3 AGC Programming
0x20, // 0x001B AGC_CFG2 AGC Programming.
0xA0, // 0x001C AGC_CFG1 AGC Programming
0xC3, // 0x001D AGC_CFG0 - rssi valid count 2bytes AGC Programming
0x00, // 0x001E FIFO_CFG
0x00, // 0x001F DEV_ADDR
0x03, // 0x0020 SETTLING_CFG - no autocal of fs,75us settling after cal
0x1A, // 0x0021 FS_CFG - out of lock det en, 164.0 - 192.0 MHz band
0x08, // 0x0022 WOR_CFG1 - hi res eWor timer, normal mode, 100uS Event 0 with 40k
0x20, // 0x0023 WOR_CFG0 - clk div is sleep en, event2 dis, rc calibration dis
0x05, // 0x0024 WOR_EVENT0_MSB - 498h which give tevent0 = 36.78ms? recalc to 5fa but no T0
0xfa, // 0x0025 WOR_EVENT0_LSB -
0x07, // 0x0026 PKT_CFG2 - clr chnnel below rssi, Transparent serial mode
0x00, // 0x0027 PKT_CFG1 - no white, no addr chk, CRC check dis, byte sawp dis, status dis
0x00, // 0x0028 PKT_CFG0 - fixed pkt lngth, uart dis
0x0F, // 0x0029 RFEND_CFG1 - idle mode after good pkt, rx timeout calc, rx if sync found
0x04, // 0x002A RFEND_CFG0 - terminate on bad pkt dis, RX termination based on PQT
0x7F, // 0x002B PA_CFG2 Power Amplifier Level Programming
0x56, // 0x002C PA_CFG1 Power Amplifier Ramp Up/Down Shape Programming
0x7E, // 0x002D PA_CFG0
0x0f, // 0x002E PKT_LEN 16 as its the payload

Thank you in advance


  • Hi Sarah

    None of the packet handling features can be used in transparent mode. CC112X does not do any timing recovery in this mode and the symbol rate programming does not affect operation, hence there is no way for the radio to “know” if a preamble is present or not.

