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CC1125 frequency registers NOT change

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1125

Hello everybody.

I am working with the CC1125 transceiver, connected via SPI with an Atmel microcontroller (ATxmega256).

Atmel provides source files to access the CC1125 registers and configure them. The file I use is similar to this one. In my case, in the function trx_config I write to the registers:

 * @brief Configures the transceiver
 * This function is called to configure the transceiver after reset.
static void trx_config(void)
     * Configuration of CSMA seed is done later in function trx_config_csma()
     * after the generation of a proper random seed for function rand();




Function pal_trx_reg_write is located in this file and it reproduced here:

 * @brief Writes data into a transceiver register
 * This function writes a value into transceiver register.
 * @param addr Address of the trx register
 * @param data Data to be written to trx register
void pal_trx_reg_write(uint8_t addr, uint8_t data)

    while (spi_state != SPI_IDLE)
        /* wait until SPI gets available */

    /* Prepare the command byte */

    /* Start SPI transaction by pulling SEL low */

    /* Send the Read command byte */
    SPDR = addr;

    /* Write the byte in the transceiver data register */
    SPDR = data;

    /* Stop the SPI transaction by setting SEL high */


The initialization of registers is OK just after transceiver reset. But if I want to change the registers values later (e.g. carrier frequency), the SPI write operation fails. That is to say, I write a certain value, then read the register and the value is different (wrong).

Thanks in advance for your help!

  • I assume that when you do initialization you manage to read back correct values from the chip. Reading out PARTVERSION and PARTNUMBER is a good test to see if the SPI read works.

    Where in your code do you try to set the FREQ word? Is the radio in IDLE?
  • I assume that when you do initialization you manage to read back correct values from the chip. Reading out PARTVERSION and PARTNUMBER is a good test to see if the SPI read works. 

    At this moment I cannot check this registers. But I have tried to write -> wait a moment -> and then read the register and it works OK.


    Where in your code do you try to set the FREQ word? Is the radio in IDLE?

    The frequency change is made in file tal_pib.c, in function tal_pib_set (it is too long to paste here). The parameter is called 'phyCurrentChannel' (line #421 of previous indicated file). This is the fragment:

                    case phyCurrentChannel:
                        if (tal_state != TAL_IDLE)
                            return TAL_BUSY;
                        if ((uint32_t)TRX_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS & ((uint32_t)0x01 << value->pib_value_8bit))
                            tal_trx_status_t previous_trx_status = TRX_OFF;
                             * Set trx to "soft" off avoiding that ongoing
                             * transaction (e.g. ACK) are interrupted.
                            if (tal_trx_status != TRX_OFF)
                                previous_trx_status = RX_AACK_ON;   /* any other than TRX_OFF state */
                                    /* set TRX_OFF until it could be set;
                                     * trx might be busy */
                                } while (set_trx_state(CMD_TRX_OFF) != TRX_OFF);
                            tal_pib_CurrentChannel = value->pib_value_8bit;
                            pal_trx_bit_write(SR_CHANNEL, tal_pib_CurrentChannel);
                            /* Re-store previous trx state */
                            if (previous_trx_status != TRX_OFF)
                                /* Set to default state */
                            return MAC_INVALID_PARAMETER;

  • As far as I can see this is some functions taken from Atmels 802.15.4 MAC. It's not possible for me to see how this code actually sets the FREQ registers. Please provide a plot of the SPI bus traffic writing and reading back the FREQ registers.
  • At this moment I can not measure the SPI bus to check data.

    Which state should be the transceiver? The 'tal_pib_set' function checks if TAL is idle:

    typedef enum tal_state_tag
        TAL_IDLE           = 0,
        TAL_ACK_PRE_TX     = 1,
        TAL_ACK_TX         = 2,
        TAL_TX_AUTO        = 3,
        TAL_TX_WAIT_ACK    = 4,
        TAL_TX_RETRY       = 5,
        TAL_TX_DONE        = 6,
        TAL_SLOTTED_CSMA   = 7,
        TAL_ED_RUNNING     = 8,
        TAL_ED_DONE        = 9
    } SHORTENUM tal_state_t;

    And it checks the transceiver commands:

    /** Transceiver commands */
    typedef enum trx_cmd_tag
        /** Reset chip */
        SRES                        = (0x30),
        /** Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer */
        SFSTXON                     = (0x31),
        /** Enter XOFF state when CSn is de-asserted */
        SXOFF                       = (0x32),
        /** Calibrate frequency synthesizer and turn it off */
        SCAL                        = (0x33),
        /** Enable RX */
        SRX                         = (0x34),
        /** Enable TX */
        STX                         = (0x35),
        /** Exit RX/TX, turn off frequency synthesizer and exit eWOR mode if applicable */
        SIDLE                       = (0x36),
        /** Automatic Frequency Compensation */
        SAFC                        = (0x37),
        /** Start automatic RX polling sequence (eWOR) */
        SWOR                        = (0x38),
        /** Enter SLEEP mode when CSn is de-asserted */
        SPWD                        = (0x39),
        /** Flush the RX FIFO. Only issue SFRX in IDLE or RX_FIFO_ERR states */
        SFRX                        = (0x3A),
        /** Flush the TX FIFO. Only issue SFTX in IDLE or TX_FIFO_ERR states */
        SFTX                        = (0x3B),
        /** Reset the eWOR timer to the Event1 value */
        SWORRST                     = (0x3C),
        /** No operation. May be used to get access to the chip status byte */
        SNOP                        = (0x3D)
    } SHORTENUM trx_cmd_t;

    I guess transceiver must be awake to change registers...

  • Jose,

    I think for us to be of any help you will need to produce a plot of what is on the SPI bus between the two devices.

  • Hello,

    Now the registers changes work. I think it was a problem of transceiver status (it must be idle and awake).

    Jose A.