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Use Uart between SmartRF06 EB and Raspberry Pi

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2538, Z-STACK, CC2530

Hi all.

I want to implement SerialApp for cc2538 in EB. I use 3pins in EB are EM_UART_TX, EM_UART_RX and GND connect to Raspberry Pi. Is it correct?
Raspberry Pi is OK, but i cant get data from EB.

I use again project SampleLight in Home Automation and  insert initial Serial Device following in zclSampleLight_Init

    halUARTCfg_t uartConfig;
    uartConfig.configured = TRUE; // 2430 don't care.
    uartConfig.baudRate = HAL_UART_BR_115200;
    uartConfig.flowControl = FALSE;
    uartConfig.flowControlThreshold = 48;
    uartConfig.rx.maxBufSize = 128;
    uartConfig.tx.maxBufSize = 128;
    uartConfig.idleTimeout = 6; // 2430 don't care.
    uartConfig.intEnable = TRUE; // 2430 don't care.
    uartConfig.callBackFunc = rxCB;
    HalUARTOpen (SERIAL_APP_PORT, &uartConfig);


which static void rxCB( uint8 port, uint8 event )
    if ( event != HAL_UART_TX_EMPTY )
    // Read from UART
    //...//Process receiving pBuf data here by yourself.



uint8 data[2]; data[0] =0x30;data[1] =0x31;

I use function HalUARTWrite(SERIAL_APP_PORT,data,2);

Or, How to connect EB and other device (Raspberry Pi) through UART.

Thanks so much