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CC8530 Reference Design Series/Shunt Antenna Match

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2590

I wanted to clarify if the components shown on ref designs swrc185 and swrc232 after the T-filter (a series cap, a shunt inductor and shunt cap) are indeed place holders for antenna match tuning.  Please confirm.

Kind Regards,



  • Marc,

    I believe the additional matching parts you mentioned improve the out of band attenuation of the "T" low pass filter.  Simulations I did for the CC2590 indicate that the ANT I/O (pin 11) impedance is close to 50 ohms.  TI did give the LNA input impedance on page 7 of the data sheet.  The impedance given was 61.7 - j 8.4 ohms at 2.44 GHz.  That impedance does not need much additional matching.  The PA impedance was not given on the data sheet.  Both LNA and PA connect to the ANT pin depending on the mode used (RX or TX).

    Below is a simulation I did for the filter network connected to CC2590 ANT pin (swrc185 network).


    Eric Hooker

    RF Consultant