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for help OAD for CC2541

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2541, CC2540


         I'm trying out OAD on the cc2541.

        Using the project of BLE-CC254x-1.3.2 SensorTag

        Refferred to OAD_for_CC254x.pdf , following the steps. There are two fault shows :

        1.  When I set the link -> Extra output ,   check the box  override default, I try to buid ,but it says this

              "Fatal Error[e62]: File name   "C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-    1.3.2\Projects\ble\SensorTag\CC2541DB\

             CC2541DK-Sensor-OAD-ImgA\Exe\SensorTag.hex used for multiple files "

              The hex file is used for multiple files. If I uncheck the override default, it can work well ,but I meet the second problem.

         2. when I try to make ,it  always show "Performing Post-Build Action "

              pls help me!


  • Hi Guy,

    Not sure what you're up to here.

    First of all, if you are using the SensorTag project, you can simply change to the Build Configuration that already has all the OAD stuff included. Click on the dropdown menu at the top of the file list to change to an OAD config. This includes post-build, linker file and output to .sim.

    If you override the .sim output, be sure that the format is simple-code, and the filename ending is .sim.

    Best regards,

  • Hi:

          Thanks for your reply.

          I am using the OAD stuff in the he Build Configuration part . I can build and output a .sim file but maybe some things is wrong for the step of post-build , always show “Performing Post-Build Action” , if I Stop the Build , an error is found :

           Error while running "C:\Texas Instruments \BLE-CC254x-1.3.2\Projects\ble\SensorTag\CC2541DB\..\..\common\cc2540\cc254x_ubl_pp.bat" "C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.3.2\Projects\ble\SensorTag\CC2541DB" "ProdUBL" "C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.3.2\Projects\ble\SensorTag\CC2541DB\CC2541DK-Sensor-OAD-ImgA\Exe\SensorTag"

           Now I can translate the .sim file to .bin by cc254x_sim2bin.exe.

     Another question.

          Can I test the OAD by USB Dongle board ?

          I found the document “TI_BLE_Sample_Applications_Guide.pdf” suggests the SmartRF board.

          What should I do ?




    Best regards!

  • Hi:

        Thanks for your reply!

        The problem I have resolved!

        Good luck!

        Best regards!

  • Hi Guy Lucky,

    Regarding the below error, did you solve how to ?

    I also am facing the same problem, and used the sim2bin translator to generate the binary file.

    By the way, Still the problem is not solved yet. 

    Please share with me how did you solve it.


        I am using the OAD stuff in the he Build Configuration part . I can build and output a .sim file but maybe some things is wrong for the step of post-build , always show “Performing Post-Build Action” , if I Stop the Build , an error is found :

  • I found out that it may receive a post-build error. The document mentions about the error.

    I can skip this issue now.



  • I was having similar issues and I wasn't satisfied the ol "it just works now" solution.

    The actual answers:

    1) There is an extra command "-Ointel-extended,2=.hex" under Projects->options->linker->extra Options. This is IAR command line so I can only guess that combining this command with the extra output option attempts to create two of the same file

    2) Under Project -> Options ->Build Actions you will find some post build command line stuff. "$PROJ_DIR$\..\..\common\cc2540\cc254x_ubl_pp.bat" "$PROJ_DIR$" "ProdUBL" "$PROJ_DIR$\CC2541DK-Sensor-OAD-ImgB\Exe\SensorTag"

     This is what causes your build to hang. Unfortunately my ignorance of the windows command line means I can't fully answer this question either.

    I would appreciate feedback on what the command line is doing.

    Why is this thread marked as answered when both of the problems you were having never actually got solved?

  • Hi Peter. I was having this issue as well. Your solution worked .. no errors, no warnings.

    I kept the Project>Options>Linker>ExtraOutput as

    A) Generate extra output file -> checked

    B) Output Format 'simple-code' 

    Project>Options>Linker>ExtraOptions as

    A) Use command line options-> Checked

    B) Command line options: "-Ointel-extended,2=.hex"

    This produces the .sim and .hex files at the same time.

    Thanks for your help.

  • I am exactly in this guy's shoes but I do not have the dongle and I want to update my device with an Android or iPhone. How do I prepare my image file for this?