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Signing and encrypting .bin file for OAD

Hi all,

currently I am trying Encrypted OAD between my IOS application

and keyfob but I am not sure about signing and encrypting the image for OAD

without using SMARTRF board.

I wanted to know is there way round to sign and encrypt .bin image 

with some sort of utility directly.

kindly reply



  • Hi,

    You can install openssl library on your PC and encrypt file using openssl. 

    Use this command: 

    openssl enc -aes-128-ecb -K your_key_in_hex  -iv iv_in_hex -in SensorTag.bin -out encrypted.bin -nopad

    Example :

    openssl enc -aes-128-ecb -K 123456789...F -iv 0000000000000000 -in SensorTag.bin -out encrypted.bin -nopad


    After this procedure, you need to copy first 16 byte (header) from original .bin file and overwrite first 16 bytes in encrypted .bin. Thus you need to keep header intact otherwise application will not recognize image correctly.


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  • Hi,

    Thank you for the details.

    I will give it a try.

    Thank you



  • I think this is incorrect, I tried it and the TiOADExample app incorrectly identified a ImgB as an ImgA

    I believe this is because the header shouldn't be encrypted?

  • Hi,

    sorry, forgot to mention that.

    Yes, you need to manually replace first 16 bytes from original bin to encrypted bin.

    Keep first 16 bytes as it is, encrypt rest of the file.

  • I pasted the first 16 bytes of the unencrypted file back onto the encrypted one, should this work? Or should I split the file before encryption?

    I compared the file prepared this way with the one that was created with the SBL tool, they are not the same.

    Both of them "brick" the device when uploaded so I don't know where the problem lies.

  • Hi,

    This will work because openssl's aes-128-ecb method encrypt file by taking 16 bytes chunks.So replacing first 16 bytes won't change encryption for whole file. 

    For SBL demotool, you need to remove header first and then encrypt the file. Once file is encrypted put 16 byte at the starting of file.

    Are you using same key and iv in openssl, BEM and image A?

    Can you try by keeping iv = 0 in BEM and image A? 

  • Thanks,

    I'm using the same key in sbl_exec.c, bem_main.c and in the command line for SSL.

    iv I left at the default-  In bem_main.c:

    static uint8 ivNonce[KEY_BLENGTH] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };

    in the command line for openssl: 

    -iv 1000000000000001

  • I took the same unencrypted .bin file and tried to encypt it this way, and via SBL. They came out different, according to diff.

    I attempted an update via TiOADExample with both encrypted images.

    the openssl uploaded but didn't update

    the SBL one "bricked"

  • I got to the bottom of the problem with the SBL method. it works fine, just have to careful managing a huge number of dialogue pages of options in multiple project targets in IAR. Oh for a proper Makefile based build.

    The openssl method of encrypting the image doesn't work for me. It doesn't come up with the same data, and the image fails to execute. I tried changing the iv to 0

  • Hi

    Can anyone confirm if the openssl way is a working method as I've tried it and get the same problem as a lot of people on the forum that it just reverts back to Image A after saying uploaded successful? 

    I am using the cbc command for openssl and replacing the first 16 bytes with the BBBB header.

    I don't have the smartrf board which TI uses in the tutorial to encrypt the image.  I will probably end up trying to use a usb-to-uart chip to get the EBL going.

    I've tried to make sure I lock the pages for BEM in flash programmer but it only allows page 0 and page 126 it complains if you tell it 0, 126, 127.


  • Hi Guys,

    Can anyone share the working method for generation of encrypted image with openssl ?

    Thanks in advance...