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NFC OOB Pairing between two CC2541 kits

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2541, CC2540, RF430CL330H


I want to achieve OOB pairing between two CC2541 devices (One acting as central and the other acting as peripheral) using  NFC. My use case is as follows:

  1. I have two boards based on CC2540 DK. Each board has CC254x, NFC chip, battery, etc
  2. Initialize the two boards (CC254x, BT Stack, NFC, etc).
  3. Tap the two devices.
  4. The central should get information about the address of the peripheral and we should be able to do OOB pairing. (There should be no need of Bluetooth discovery or entering PIN code)
  5. Switch off NFC so that remaining communication can happen on BLE link.

   I would like to know which NFC chip would be appropriate for this considering that the boards are battery powered and we don't want a big impact on the battery life.

   I already looked up RF430CL330H, but it seems that this chip can support only pairing with a mobile phone.

   Could you help me with the part number of the chip that I can use for my use case and if any sample software is available for CC254x.

Thank You,


  • Hello Naresh,

    The RF430CL330H has both I2C and SPI interfaces that allow you to communicate with the CC254x.

    Unless I am missing some specifics, this device should work without any problems in your application.  Once the interrupt is received, you read the info by I2C or SPI and then initiate bonding.


  • Hi,

      As per my understanding this can be used for pairing with mobile phones, tablets etc since this behaves like a tag.

      My requirement is to initiate pairing from one of the kits itself. So no mobile phone is involved. Rather I would like to have communication between two kits which would require Peer-To-Peer communication.

      I don't think this chip can do this. Please let me know if I'm missing something.



  • Hello Naresh,

    Yes, you are missing something.  The NFC reader.  To my knowledge there is not reader/tag chip.  You have to provide the necessary antenna and reader to implement a NFC system.  The frequency and protocol of NFC and BLE are completely different.  This is why it is referred to as out of bounds.  They are independent systems that work sequentially.

    At least this is my understanding of OOB.
