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Documentation bug in TI BLE Vendor Specific HCI Guide version 1.4

There is a documentation bug in TI BLE Vendor Specific HCI Guide version 1.4 on page 76, section 12.9. The description of the GAP Terminate Link Request command packet is wrong. In the Command Parameters section, there shouldn't any reason parameter. This is a mix between the command and the event. The GAP link termination event contains a reason parameter as far as I know.

If I am wrong, then the first table is then wrong, as there is no reason parameter described.

Can someone give me more details on the correct command packet format? I am struggling to have the link terminated properly here and something seems to not working.

  • This is not an error. When a device is terminating a link it should specify a reason. When the LL message to terminate the link is sent over the air to the peer device, it specified this reason to provide information to the peer device. The most common reason code should be 0x13 (remote User Terminated Connection), essentially just stating to the peer device that the user/software decided to terminate the link. If, for example, you were terminating because the user is powering down the device, you could use code 0x15.

    Again, this is just for information to the peer device. The peer device may not actually do anything with this information.

  • There is still an error then. The packet description should read as:

    CommandOpcodeCommand ParametersReturn Parameters
    GAP_TerminateLinkRequest OxFE0A connHandle, reason Status

    Instead of,

    CommandOpcodeCommand ParametersReturn Parameters
    GAP_TerminateLinkRequest OxFE0A connHandle Status

    BTW, thanks for the details it solves entirely my problem. My command was missing 1 byte (the reason byte).