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TI CC2650 Connecting to IBM Internet of Things Foundation Issues

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2560, CC2650STK

I'm trying to follow the recipe provided here: to connect my new CC2560 SensorTag to the IBM Internet of Things Foundation.

I see the device data no problem on my phone, but when I try view the data online, I just get this message: "Waiting for your device to send us a message. The Device ID you have entered is valid, but we are waiting for your device to send us a message. Get your device to send us some valid data - we'll visualize it for you!"

It looks brain dead simple to get the data, but obviously I'm doing something wrong.

My understanding is that the SensorTag itself sends data to a phone through BLE (which is working because I get all the data and visualization through the TI SensorTag app (

Then (again my understanding) is that the phone app using its internet connection to relay that information to IOTF (this is the piece that doesn't seem to be happening). I don't see any configuration settings within the application itself with regards to where to connect to or anything like that.

This is the first time I've used IOTF so it's certainly possible that it's user error, but I don't see many places for that to exist unless the recipe directions are missing something.

  • Hi Erik,

    Your understanding is correct; the phone acts as the gateway to the IoTF cloud. I did confirm IoTF is working on the iOS app. Can you confirm the Android version used? We do plan to have an update to the CC2650STK Android app soon, so please stay tuned.

    Best wishes
  • Hi JXS,

    Thanks for the response.

    I've tried with two different Android phones (Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 4), both running Android version 4.4.4., both unsuccessfully.

    The SensortTag Android application is version 2.00 on both devices. If you have early release code, I'd be happy to try it out. I have noticed the current version "force closes" quite frequently as well.

    This was a sample run to verify everything was working, before making a significantly larger purchase for some of our field facing folks, but I don't think I can move forward with this solution without it working on both Android and iOS. Looking forward to your response.
  • Hi Erik,

    I've routed your question to a member of our smartphone app team. Due to the holiday week, it may take a little longer for a response. Thank you for your understanding.

    Best wishes
  • Erik,

    The Android version still does not support pushing data to the IBM cloud but we are working on it. Expect it to be ready in the next couple of weeks.

    We have mostly tested the application on Android 5.0 and 4.4.4 (Galaxy Tab Pro) without seeing any force close issues on these devices. We have however found a couple of issues that can cause force closing which is due to be fixed this week.

  • Hi svend,

    Thanks for the response, I'll be eagerly waiting. If there's anything that can be tested in advance of a formal release, please let me know.


  • Hi:
    Eager to know if the support for Android App for Sensor tag 2650 is present now. I just tried with the App and its giving me connection error.

    It says, "Unable to connect to cloud" . In error it mentions "MqttException".

    I havent changed any connection details ( Port, URL , etc..) which the app is taking to create connection.

    Any clues? Will the new version of android app help?

    Amit Mehra
  • Have a look at this Android app stil isn't capable to connect to IBM IoT Foundation.

    @TI Guys, this is disappointing me. It can't be that difficult to update it.
  • Hello, after 2 years I still have the same issue.

    The device is working in IOS and Android using the quickstart configuration. It is not working on Android using the "IBM Watson IoT Platform". I'm using the latest android app available in PlayStore and latest firmware on the device (1.30 May 23 2016). I have the following configuration:

    username : use-auth-token
    password : *******
    deviceID: d:wo7b44:SensorTag:SensorTagMD
    Broker Address : tcp://
    Broker Port : 1883
    Publish Topic: iot-2/evt/sensor/fmt/json

    Clean Session on

    Using the configuration above I have the following logs on the IOT Platform:

    --- Token auth succeeded: ClientID='d:wo7b44:SensorTag:SensorTagMD', ClientIP= Aug 29, 2017 10:06:26 AM

    No errors but device is disconnected and no data received.

    While if I change the Topic with "status" instead of "sensor" ( tried also sensors) I have the following error:

    --- Closed connection from The topic is not valid: iot-2/evt/status/fmt/json? The topic contains characters which are not allowed 3 times in the last 5 minutes

    Again the device is disconnected and no data are available on the IOT Platform.

    Can you help ?
