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BLE Stack project locations and source control

The development tools, documentation and examples for CC26xx and CC13xx are excellent. Especially the large range of examples makes it easy to get started on the platform. 

There is one thing that we are snuggling with. Project locations. If we copy one of the example at the same directory level as the original example, things work fine. However, it is more desirable to move this copy into a different location, possibly on a network drive, for source control. We find it hard to get the project compiled after we relocate it. We have changed all the paths we thing needed changing, yet, this don't compile or link. 

So, as a general question, what is the recommended best practice for relocating and example project outside of the default file structure or better yet, start a brand new project at an arbitrary location?

How do other developers on this forum here, handle this situation?


  • Hello,

    I'm not aware of best practices, but others may be able to share their experiences.

    If you are using CCS, you may want to try posting in the CCS forum as well.

    In general, it should be doable but make sure the built-in and project defined project paths are correctly matching your actual source locations. Inspecting a build error log should be able to provide more insight. The projects make use of relative paths, so if you miss a "\..\", ,it will result in a build error, for example.

    Best wishes