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Home Automation with NFC

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TRF7970A, RF430CL330H, MSP430G2553

Dear All, 

Hi, I currently have a university project to implement the NFC for home automation. 
The system should be ideally able to show some measurement parameter (power consumed and the electric cost of the product) onto the mobile phone, after it is scanning the NFC module. 

I am considering of using TRF7970A evaluation mode to the device, but since i am very new about this, 
So, I want to ask some several question before I start the project:

1. Is there any software for TRF7970A where I can create my own user interface for the smartphone apps?

2. Is there any firmware where I can modify the TRF7970A source code?

3. Is there any special emulation tool for TRF7970 EVM, so i can download the modified source code?

Sorry for having such a novice questions. Please to help me, and if you have ever seen some kind of reference that might be similar with this project, I am also pleased for your kindness to share. 

Thank you in advance!
Have a nice day!


  • Hi Stella,

    Regarding smartphone apps, there are a few apps that have been made by other developers which you can download and use to read the tags. However, we don't have any software for making your own app or smartphone user interface, sorry.

    Regarding using the TRF7970A EVM, based on what you have described thus far, I believe the best solution to your application would be to use card emulation mode to make your NFC module emulate a tag which smartphones can read.

    If that is all you need to accomplish, I would recommend that you use our RF430CL330H instead. The RF430 emulates a Type 4B tag and we have released software which you can modify as well. It is an ideal part for such applications and it will be simpler to use than the TRF7970 EVM since it doesn't sound like you need to use the other NFC modes.

    There is a bundle deal for the RF430 and a MSP430 Launchpad on our e-store:

    Here is the software example available for the RF430 which you can use as a starting point for further development:

    You can also find the datasheet and some application notes for the device here:

  • Hey Ralph!

    First of all, Thank you soo much! You have no idea how appreciated i am!
    I just have a further research for my project development, and I agree with you that my module is definitely
    more appropriate to use card emulator mode. So, I am considering to use NFC module without any P2P mode, this surely will reduce cost too.

    I want to know about RF430CL330H, I am probably considering to use another microcontroller, such as Arduino (perhaps). Like, the following product of NFC: attached to arduino.

    Is this possible to do this?Let me know if you have ever know someone has experience with this.
    Thank you :)

    Best Regards,


  • Stella,

    Yes, this has been done with our TB board and Arduino.  You could easily wire up the boosterpack just the same though. 

  • Eddie LaCost,

    Thanks a lot! this is really inducing my research progress further than i planned :)

    And I might have another question that may be off topic from my earlier question...
    i wonder if i can connect NFC module with relay,
    So, i can control the connected fan through mobile phone too?

    Let me know if someone has ever experience with this kind of concept.
    (especially, since I know very little about relay...)

    Best Regards, 


  • Stella,

    The NFC module itself does not have a programmable microcontroller, so it would not be able to control your relay directly.  You would need to use the connected microcontroller for this.  I did something fairly similar to control a solenoid on a lockbox using the RF430CL330H booster pack and MSP430G2553 launchpad.  Basically, you can use any standard Android app available for writing tags and write a text record with a particular password.  When the phone writes to the RF430CL, it triggers the INTO pin to fire and the MSP430 will read out the message that was written.  If it matches, a GPIO goes high which is connected to the base of an external NPN transistor acting as a switch for the higher voltage supply to the solenoid.  You will see the interrupt handling and that I have made the password "Eddie" at line 256 of main.c.  I have attached my CCS code project.  I hope this helps.  It should be very similar to what you need to do in order to control the relay. 

    The hardware this code was written for is available from our e-store as a bundle at a reasonable price if you want to use this instead of Arduino. See link below.