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RF430CL330H: RF wake-up time from power off state.

Guru 24520 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: RF430CL330H

Hi community member,

Would you please provide your answer for my question?


Do you have a data of duration time that RF wake-up time from RF disabled state?

If mcu write the data to NDEF(RF430CL330H), we need to disabled the RF.

Thus, we would like to know the time until waking up the RF after writing the NDEF data.

If you have any question, please let me know.

Best regards.


  • Hello Kaka,

    The time will depend on the length of the NDEF data being written and the I2C clock speed.  For example, I have captured writing a 48 byte “Hello, World!” test NDEF message and then enable RF in the control register.  The code snippet is below.  This took 2ms at 400kHz including the register reads/writes.  Simply writing the 48 byte NDEF message was 1.69ms. 

        //write NDEF memory with Capability Container + NDEF message
        Write_Continuous(0, NDEF_Application_Data, 48);
        //Enable interrupts for End of Read and End of Write
        //Configure INTO pin for active low and enable RF

    I have also attached the logic analyzer capture.  You can use the Saleae software(use v1.1.18 beta) to view the capture.  

  • Hi Eddie,

    Thank you for your information.

    I confirmed your data as reference. 

    Best regards.
