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Sendto function hanging


     I'm transmitting the data using sednto function.When the remote host  is within the network sending is working fine without any issue.

  When the remote host device is not in the WLAN network, send to function is hanging some where inside.

  I traced the issue and i found, while sending the data using send to first it will check the no of free buffers in the module(tSLInformation.usNumberOfFreeBuffers).If the value is greater than 0 then it will send the data over SPI other wise it will struck at HostFlowControlConsumeBuff() function.Now in my case it is getting struck at this fun.

 (tSLInformation.usNumberOfFreeBuffers  value is updating from the unsolicited event HCI_EVNT_DATA_UNSOL_FREE_BUFF.

In my case, module is sending this event with no of free buffers as 0 when the remote deivce is not in the network and when the remote host is in network it is sending some +ve value.

So, why the module is sending like that when the remote device is not in the network.What is the difference.


Lakshmi Praveen K.

  • Hi,

    This is strange and it should not happen. Even if the remote UDP server has switched off, the tSLInformation.usNumberOfFreeBuffers should remain constant.

    It looks like there is a mismatch in the host driver and the service pack. Can you please use the latest service pack 1.28 with the latest host driver?

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Hi,

        I upgraded the firmware of the CC3000 module to 1.28. But the issue is still the same.Why the module is not clearing the buffers.Is there any way to clear the buffers in the module.


    Lakshmi Praveen K.