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CC3200:SMTP Email Demo

Guru 24520 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200

Hi Community member,

Please provide us your advices for my request.


 Now, we would like to make the demo code of Email application which we can attached file by modifying TI's SMTP sample code.

How should we do in order to make it ?  At least, I think that we need to implement the MIME to CC3200.

I know that this question is related to application layer, but we need your helps...

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Best regards.


  • Yes you will need to implement MIME to attach a file to an email. You will need to also make sure you add the appropriate headers to the SMTP sample code and include the MIME encoded data. 

    I imagine you should be able to find a few open source versions of a MIME encoder written in C, as this is a common requirement. 


  • Hi Glenn,

    Thank you for your advices.

    If possible or if you know, would you please show same helpful URLs for my request?

     For example, show the URL is that someone uploaded the email sample code for embedded MCU...

    Best regards,


  • Hi Kaka,

    I did actually look for one yesterday before posting my reply, I could not find one that stood out .

    I recommend searching and also google using the following search terms. 

    MIME encoder C 

    MIME encoder C Source Code

    You will then need to sort out which ones are good for embedded and which ones are not. I imagine you will be dealing with only 1 type of file, so this should at least make things a little easier with the headers.

    Also check out the Wikipedia entry, as it is a good introduction for MIME and also provides additional links to the RFCs should you need them -


  • Hi Kaka,

    I am closing the thread, if issue still exist please open a new thread and add a link to this one for reference.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Naveen

    I can attach the fixed file (i.e. already encoded data on PC) to Email and send it.

    But we could not implement the MIME encode to CC3200. We could not find that encoder on open souce.

    If we try it again, I will asked you again.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Navin, Glenn,

    If I need to send sensor values to gmail via the sample smtp code, can i simply include my ADC.h file in the main function?