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deepsleep question vApplicationIdleHook does not work

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200

I  want to test the deepsleep powermode of cc3200 . I have runned the project of deepsleep_nw. It works well.

Then i copy these function (vApplicationIdleHook( void))  to my project .I find it does not work.There are no message reported .

This is my function . What should i do .

#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "osi.h"

vApplicationIdleHook( void )
    int iRetVal;

    // Enter SLEEP...WaitForInterrupt ARM intrinsic
    Report("DEEPSLEEP: Entering DeepSleep\n\r");

    for(iRetVal = 0; iRetVal < 80000; iRetVal++);

    // Disable the SYSTICK interrupt

    // Enable the SYSTICK interrupt
    Report("DEEPSLEEP: Exiting DeepSleep\n\r");

IN FreeRTOSConfig.h

#define configUSE_PREEMPTION            1
#define configUSE_IDLE_HOOK                1
#define configUSE_TICK_HOOK                0 // 1

  • Hi Weilsng Li,

    Does the main task in your application block on some OS construct in order to relinquish the CPU for the low priority idle task to execute?

    Best regards,


  • sorry,i can't understand the meaning (block on some OS construct),

    I creat four tasks. In every task i used while(1);

    I want to know when the function will be executed.

  • Hi Weilsng Li,

    By blocking on OS construct, i meant for ex., waiting on semaphore. Or if you invoke a blocking simplelink API (for ex. sl_recv) it will inturn block on a semaphore. This will allow the OS to schedule the low priority idle task.

    Having while(1) loop will not allow the idle task to run.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Naveen,

    Wouldn't Task_Sleep() also qualify as an OS construct in this context?  I have a similar situation as Weilsng, in that I have an app with a number of tasks running, each with a main while(1) loop, but within each there is always a Task_sleep() call.  Some of these also wait on semaphores and/or make simplelink calls, but all will at some point reach the Task_sleep call.  I tried to just print out a message in the vApplicationIdleHook function but it never runs.

    Could it be that there is never a point where all tasks are idle (in the Task_sleep call) at the same time?  I've tried disabling most tasks but it doesn't change.

    Also, I'm using TI-RTOS, so I'm not sure the vApplicationIdleHook function applies here.  I found this function (empty) in the network_if.c file, but within a #ifdef USE_FREERTOS switch and it was greyed out since I'm not using FreeRTOS.  Is vApplicationIdleHook applicable to TI-RTOS?  This call is used in the deepsleep_nw example but it's not too clear to me if this is using FreeRTOS or TI-RTOS.

