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CC3200 - wlan_station build error in CCSv6

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200, CC3100

hi, follow the get start guide when i try to build wlan_station project it show error (simplelink, oslib, driverlib,ti_rtos_confgi all fine)

i got this

0 [main] sh 2516 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to sh.exe.stackdump
C:/Users/SC/AppData/Local/Temp/ line 1: 2516 Segmentation fault (core dumped) e:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_51~1.6/bin/armar -qa c:/users/sc/appdata/local/temp/ti08d0~1/rtsv7m4_t_le_eabi.lib *.obj
gmake.exe[1]: *** [library] Error 139
>> ERROR: mklib: gmake error during rtsv7M4_T_le_eabi.lib build
warning #10207-D: automatic RTS selection: resolving index library "libc.a" to "E:\ti\ccsv6\tools\compiler\arm_5.1.6\lib\rtsv7M4_T_le_eabi.lib", but "E:\ti\ccsv6\tools\compiler\arm_5.1.6\lib\rtsv7M4_T_le_eabi.lib" was not found

undefined first referenced
symbol in file
--------- ----------------
HOSTwrite D:\Users\SC\workspace_v6_0\ti_rtos_config\Default\configPkg\package\cfg\app_pem4.oem4
__aeabi_uidivmod E:\ti\tirtos_simplelink_2_01_00_03\products\bios_6_40_03_39\packages\ti\targets\arm\rtsarm\lib\ti.targets.arm.rtsarm.aem4<System.oem4>
_args_main E:\ti\tirtos_simplelink_2_01_00_03\products\bios_6_40_03_39\packages\ti\targets\arm\rtsarm\lib\boot.aem4<boot.oem4>
_nop D:\Users\SC\workspace_v6_0\ti_rtos_config\Default\configPkg\package\cfg\app_pem4.oem4
_register_lock D:\Users\SC\workspace_v6_0\ti_rtos_config\Default\configPkg\package\cfg\app_pem4.oem4
_register_unlock D:\Users\SC\workspace_v6_0\ti_rtos_config\Default\configPkg\package\cfg\app_pem4.oem4
abort E:\ti\tirtos_simplelink_2_01_00_03\products\bios_6_40_03_39\packages\ti\targets\arm\rtsarm\lib\ti.targets.arm.rtsarm.aem4<System.oem4>
copy_in E:\ti\tirtos_simplelink_2_01_00_03\products\bios_6_40_03_39\packages\ti\targets\arm\rtsarm\lib\auto_init.aem4<auto_init.oem4>
exit E:\ti\tirtos_simplelink_2_01_00_03\products\bios_6_40_03_39\packages\ti\targets\arm\rtsarm\lib\ti.targets.arm.rtsarm.aem4<System.oem4>
main_func_sp E:\ti\tirtos_simplelink_2_01_00_03\products\bios_6_40_03_39\packages\ti\targets\arm\rtsarm\lib\boot.aem4<boot.oem4>
memcpy D:\Users\SC\workspace_v6_0\ti_rtos_config\Default\configPkg\package\cfg\app_pem4.oem4
memset D:\Users\SC\workspace_v6_0\ti_rtos_config\Default\configPkg\package\cfg\app_pem4.oem4
strlen E:\ti\tirtos_simplelink_2_01_00_03\products\bios_6_40_03_39\packages\ti\targets\arm\rtsarm\lib\ti.targets.arm.rtsarm.aem4<System.oem4>

error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain
error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "wlan_station.out" not built

>> Compilation failure
gmake: *** [wlan_station.out] Error 1
gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.

**** Build Finished ****

anyone got any idea?

  • Hi,

         What Windows version are you using?

         At CCS App Center, did you add CC3200 Add-on and TI-RTOS for Simplelink Add-on, as mentioned at the Getting Started Guide?

         Did you follow the build sequence as mentioned at the Getting Started Guide?

    - kel

  • hi

    its win7 32bit professional version

    and yes, i add cc3200 and ti-rtos add-on

    i followed build sequence at getting start guide all project is fine but the wlan_station

  • The linker sees that it needs the library rtsv7m4_t_le_eabi.lib, but that library has not been built.  So it invokes the utility mklib to build it.  The mklib utility invokes a combination of gmake, sh (a Unix like shell), and armar (archiver utility), to perform this task.  It appears armar crashed for some reason.  

    One possibility to consider is described here.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Hi Cheng,

    Are u running ccs as administrator? Also try closing ccs, reopening and rebuilding. I had some similar problems (amongst others) that got solved by running in admin mode and sometimes restarting ccs. 


  • George -

    That anchor could stand an update by TI - I noted the same problem with Yagarto in this forum back in July, other forum users have posted the same Yagarto issue since then, and another user just reported the same issue with WinAVR. 

    There might be enough variants of the same generic problem with make, sh, etc. to warrant a title of "Problems with other toolchains in the PATH" and including the toolchains we have found in the body of the article? Maybe even making it a sticky link on the CC3100/CC3200 Wireless forum, since this issue seems to happen to quite a few forum users...

  • Hi Cheng,

    Did any of the suggestion help resolve the issue you see?

    Best regards,


  • I got this fault, too. In my case, I install winAVR before. That gives a conflict. The solution for my case is take all winavr path out from system PATH configuration. Hope this can help others.