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CC2650DK: Error when flashing cc2650DK with simple blink example

Part Number: CC2650DK


I am using the document (swra446.pdf) that explains setting up environment to flash and debug apps on cc2650DK using Eclipse+GDB. Application is the simplest blink example.

Now, I've managed to build .bin file, but when I try to flash with SmartRF Flash Programmer, I get the following:


Texas Instruments SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 v1.7.5-windows

Reading file: C:\EclipseEABI_Workspace\cc26xxTest\bin\cc26xxTest.bin.
File size: 131068 bytes.
Number of assigned pages: 8.
About 20 percent of the file contain assigned code.
Start flash erase ...


Start flash programming ...

Reset target ...
Flash loader reported an error (4)

Error occured at addr: 0x0001FFA8, writing 68 bytes.
Failed to write 68 bytes to address 0x0001FFA8.



The same happens when I try to flash directly from SmartRF Flash Programmer, i.e. not using Eclipse.

Linker allocates 88 bytes of Flash starting at 0x1FFA8 - for CCFG, so I guess there is some problem with this area, but I do not understand why it fails.

If someone has experience something similar, I'd be gratefull for inputs.



  • Hi,

    You can use SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 (GUI version) to check if the flash sector is write protected. Select the Edit tab and 'CCFG' and read memory. The write protect bits starts at address 0x1FFF0.

    If this is problem you can do a chip erase to erase the CCFG configuration (Select the wrench tool in upper right corner and 'CC26xx/CC13xx Forced mass erase').



  • Thanks Bjorn!

    That wasn't the problem, but you gave me idea to look at the actual written CCFG. Turns out, the blink example skips the EXT_LF_CLK word in CCFG and starts with MODE_CONF_1. But, my linker specified start of CCFG at 0xFA8, so all config was moved by 4 bytes :-). That meant IMAGE_VALID_CONF was overwritten by 0xFFFFFFFF (which is the setting for CCFG_PROT_31_0), so Bootloader was called, and that created the whole mess.

    I've fixed this so it now flashes the image and blinks the LED as expected.

