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CC2630: Adding GUI into RadioTestLibrary

Part Number: CC2630

We are trying to add GUI into RadioTestLibrary 1.6.3. In order to use WinForm in Visual Studio C++, we need to enable Common Language Runtime Support. However, Enabling this will cause a lot of compiling error because it conflict with QT. Is there any solution ?

For fixing this issue, we try to use QT creator to c ompile RadioTestLibrary 1.6.3 app example instead of using VS2013. There are still compile error as following  

  • Hi Martin,

    Not sure if this will be possible. Sometimes it is a bit difficult to link a library built with the Visual Studio compiler with an application built with another compiler. I could try to change the "export" declarations of the the "unresolved symbols" that are mentioned here. I don't know if it will help, but if you want to try I can post the updated library to you.

