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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2630


I have problem.

I created a batch that writes 4 bytes to a given address

But when I do the reading I see that it is badly written.

can you help me

I managed to do this by writing 4 times 1 byte but it is longer

echo write memory
%PATH% -t soc(XDS-00000000,cc2630) -w addr(0x1FFA0,1)=0x56 -rs none
echo write memory
%PATH% -t soc(XDS-00000000,cc2630) -w addr(0x1FFA1,1)=0x34 -rs none
echo write memory
%PATH% -t soc(XDS-00000000,cc2630) -w addr(0x1FFA2,1)=0x12 -rs none
echo write memory
%PATH% -t soc(XDS-00000000,cc2630) -w addr(0x1FFA3,1)=0x04 -rs none
echo read memory
%PATH% -t soc(XDS-00000000,cc2630) -r addr(0x1FFA0,4)