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RF430FRL152H Demo android

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Hi, please tell me where I can get it open application code for android RF430FRL152H Demo, the current version, which implement a data read function with the sensors? In this post old version of the application

  • Hi Bazilio,

    I don't believe there is a newer version available but I will check with Eddie and find out.
  • Thank you, when can I expect an answer, whether there is a new version of the app for Android?

  • Any body here? RF430FRL152H android-demo

  • The Android APK that we provided does do temperature sensing and display of the RF430FRL152H.

    The source code also has the same functionality, that is configuring and reading out the temperature information.

    The file that is setting up the RF commands for temperature sensing is at this place: ti-sensor-app.git\app\src\main\java\com\ti\nfcdemo\activities\iso15693\ .

    Have you been able to compile the project and generate and run it on an Android handset?

  • In case it's helpful, with one Android device I ran across (Nexus 7 2013), the ISO15693 write single block commands using request flags of 0x42 cause the tag to disconnect rather than successfully complete the command. It seems the option flag set to 1 upsets it. Changing to 0x02 allows the writes to succeed.

    This is with the VERSION_4 Android Demo app for the EVM. 

    Out of curiosity, the 16 bit values written to FRAM appear to be stored LSB first. Is this simply how writing a u16 to FRAM works with these devices? 

    (Example: 0x00 4511 DF11 420B FFFF) Single log of temp/1 temp/2 and ADC0. 

    EDIT: Are the 16 bit writes atomic? 


  • The option flag on writes is needed for devices with flash memory which need a longer time to write the data.  Since this device uses FRAM writes are as fast as RAM and have no delay.

    I think you know that the option flag needs an extra EOF frame sent when the tag has finished writing the data.  Since this is not need on the RF430FRL152H, it is not supported.  Therefore the handset has an issue with it. 

    The sent data is stored from LSB first and higher as it is sent in over RF.

    The writes are written into FRAM 8-bits at a time by the processor.

  • Alexander Kozitsky said:

    I think you know that the option flag needs an extra EOF frame sent when the tag has finished writing the data.  Since this is not need on the RF430FRL152H, it is not supported.  Therefore the handset has an issue with it. 

    Was unaware that this was actually unsupported by the device., so is helpful to know. Please note the Android demo app that was released on this forum has that option flag set for the write single block command, causing them to fail. Might be a good update. 
