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trying to get TRF7970ATB + MSP-EXP430F5529 to read NFC tags

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TRF7970A


I am using  TRF7970ATB with MSP-EXP430F5529 to try to read some NFC tags such as NFC type 3 in NDEF format, ISO 14443A, Topaz, etc.

To control the board to do the Read Writer function, I am using Stolmann NFCPlayer as mentioned in TRF79x0ATB user's manual.

I am able to connect to the board using the NFCPlayer program fine, however I can't read any tags that I have. They can be read fine using my android phone.

Is there anyone who been able to do NFC communication using TRF7970A chip?

It would be helpful if anyone could provide some tips on which signals to look at and debug on the PCB.