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RFID active tag for clinical asset and instrumentation

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640

Best regard

I am looking for a RFID active Tag for asset traking in clinical environment, i would like that the RFID could operate without interuptions to the clinical instruments and medical equipement. The range detention required is between  10 to 20 meters. The RF brand could be 13 MHZ or 2.4 GHZ..

thanks you.

  • Hello Jimmy,

    TI only has passive RFID transponders for 13.56MHz - both static and dynamic. We do not have UHF transponders (which is 860 to 960MHz) though for 2.4GHz you could look possibly into BLE? That is a separate product group and use devices such as the CC2640.

    For the range you are looking for, our passive RFID transponders wouldn't fit for the application as they would need large high power readers to get anywhere close to that range even if using dynamic tags which are battery powered.