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DLP Design NFC/RFID BoosterPack (DLP-7970ABP) Uart communications

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5529, DLP-7970ABP, MSP-EXP430F5529LP, TRF7970A


I have the DLP Design NFC/RFID BoosterPack (DLP-7970ABP) booster pack connected to the MSP430F5529 USB LaunchPad.

The launchpad is connected to a laptop by USB and I'm using the software Stollmann NFC Player to detect, red/write on tags.

What I'm trying to do now is to connect the launchpad (with the booster pack) to another dev board using the serial port.

according to the manual:


My understanding is that the serial port is routed to the USB controller and it's possible to isolate it by removing the jumper TXD and RXD

I removed the 2 jumpers but Stollmann NFC Player still work properly and can detect tags.

I would like to keep the USB cable connected to the launchpad to provide the 5V and 3.3V.

I tried to connect a USB serial cable (RX\TX)   (COM 25 for Windows)

to P3.3 and P3.4 and tried to and setup NFCPlayer to connect on port 25 but it doesn't connect.

Is there a way to connect the launchpad using the serial port to connect to the laptop or to another target?

Thanks for your help

  • Hello Giorgio,

    The Stollman NFC solution with NFCPlayer is no longer offered and will not be supported in any manner by Texas Instruments.

    If you want to continue with NFC development using TI solutions, you need to use our NFC stack which is discussed in this quick start guide:

    Note that for the MSP-EXP430F5529LP our NFC stack uses USB communication and not serial UART so you won't be able to connect the PC GUI to the LaunchPad via the UART pins P3.3 and P3.4 unless you change the entire USB interface portion to be UART instead.
  • Hi Ralph,

    Thanks for letting me know.

    Do you have any suggestion on products I could use to interface and intelligent RFID module to my target? In my target, I don't have SPI comms. So I just would like to have a solution where I send serial commands to intelligent RFID module without having to implement the stack.

    I saw the DLP RFID2, will this be able to connect via serial to my target? 

    I started using the TI NFC Tool as you suggested. In the case, I can use  DLP RFID2, can I send (and receive) to it the same commands that the TI NFC Tool send and receive? And in this case, is there a way to sniff the commands that are sent and received? 

    Thanks for your help.


  • Hello Giorgio,

    The DLP RFID2 module was what I was going to mention. It has a firmware stack built in for reading/writing to some tags. Depending on the technology and format you want to use, it may not be a good solution. It is mainly geared at ISO15693 and does not support NDEF by default though in theory you could manipulate the module enough to hack together a solution for NDEF.

    Beyond that, I don't have any suggestions.

    I'll be straightforward with you Giorgio, if you can't use SPI, and the DLP-RFID2 does not work well for you, you may need look to other solutions. The only way to use the TRF7970A in the way you want would be to have a dedicated system with host MCU+TRF7970A using SPI, and then talk to the host MCU via serial to tell it what to do. If that doesn't sound like a solution that will fit for you, our device is probably not the right fit for your use case.