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MAC address of CC3200 in proper format like F4:B8:5E:08:A0:F8

Hello all,
I want MAC addrress of device 3200 launchpad.
I want MAC address in this format F4:B8:5E:08:A0:F8  in one of variable.
 I follow this link  

My code is :

long slResult;
_u8 macAddressVal[SL_MAC_ADDR_LEN];
_u8 macAddressLen = SL_MAC_ADDR_LEN;
slResult = sl_NetCfgGet(SL_MAC_ADDRESS_GET,NULL,&macAddressLen,(_u8 *)macAddressVal);
UART_PRINT("MAC address is : %u\n\r",macAddressVal);

While slResult= 0;


I want this in proper format like F4:B8:5E:08:A0:F8.

How to get it?