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CC3220S-LAUNCHXL: Disable Interrupts on Breakpoint

Part Number: CC3220S-LAUNCHXL


I'd like to disable interrupts when I hit a breakpoint during debugging so that I can step through my code without jumping to an interrupt. I'm using gdb + gdb_agent_console (with xds110) to debug my program. Is there a setting that lets me disable interrupts on a breakpoint similar to what IAR has in their EWARM IDE? Thank you.



  • Akbar,

    The thread below discusses a similar scenario. 

    Have you tried step and next instructions? Do they still take you to the interrupt code?

    Otherwise, I can try to see if there is a specific monitor command to disable them. 



  • Hi Rafael,

    Thank you for sharing the link. Unfortunately, I have not found anything discussed in there that can help.

    The step and next instructions work but depending on the state of my program, I very often end up in the interrupt code. Is there a list of all the monitor commands supported by gdb_agent_console? The only one for me that doesn't return with "Target does not support this command" is "monitor reset".

    Thank you!



  • Akbar,

    Please apologize for the delay in your reply. It took some time to get the full scope of information.

    For the problem at hand, the monitor command to disable breakpoints is not implemented. However:

    dev said:
    For a shorter term solution the customer could disable/enable interrupts directly through the DHCSR register (address is 0xE000EDF0).

    The reason the selection of monitor commands on the GDB Agent is very limited is due to the fact our efforts are focused in finishing the OpenOCD integration (it is much more popular among ARM developers). This work is estimated to be completed later this year.

    The GDB Agent will focus the MSP430 architecture after the OpenOCD integration is released. 

    I apologize for the inconvenience,


  • Hi,

    Do you know what commands I should use to disable the appropriate bit in DHCSR?

    I tried using "set {int} 0xe000edf0 = ..." but that did not change the value. Do I need to enter a privileged state before modifying this register?

    Thank you.

  • Is there any progress on this?  I have the same problem and have been unable to find a solution.

