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CC3200: CC3200 flashing and WiFi sending

Part Number: CC3200


Is that possible the power of flashing overlap the power of WiFi packet sending when my application operates file and write something after my device connected to an AP?

If yes, my application should consider to write flash after disconnect  AP.

  • Hi user1730962,

    Sorry I don't understand. Can you better describe your requirements?

  • Hi Jan

    My question is 

    is that any possible flash writing and wifi packet sending happen at same time? 

    For an extreme example, after sl_WlanConnect function called, my application executes a file write.  

    If they can happen at same time, the current peak will be higher than current peak of single packet sending.

    Should I consider this in my application?


  • Hi user1730962,

    Files which are internally handled by NWP can be created/written by NWP itself (/tmp/table.arp, /tmp/, etc.). This files are not under your control. Probably current consumption will be probably slightly higher in this write cycle. But it will be drastically lower than in calibration process. Current in calibration process is typically 450mA at 3.3V. Your hardware need to designed to provide this current for calibration. From this reason slightly higher current during sFlash write and TX at one moment is not important for you.

  • Hi Jan

    What is the calibration process? RF calibration? When does it execute? AP connecting?


  • Hi Jan

    I find the description about calibration in datasheet
    "The complete calibration can take up to 17 mJ of energy from the battery over a time of 24 ms . Calibration is performed sparingly,
    typically when coming out of Hibernate and only if temperature has changed by more than 20°C or the time elapsed from prior
    calibration is greater than 24 hours."

    one question about calibration:
    When does CC3200 make first calibration after power on?

  • Hi user1730962,

    Calibration is done after power on moment during NWP startup. As result of calibration process is written file into serial flash automatically.
