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CCS/CC3200-LAUNCHXL: OTA with SDK 1.3.0. Download completes and device reboots but version does not change.

Part Number: CC3200-LAUNCHXL
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I am having problems with the OTA update example in SDK 1.3.0.

I have setup Dropbox and modified the example code as detailed in the OTA Application Note.

I have read through the answers to similar questions in this forum, and have implemented the changes to ota_api.h & main.c suggested in this response.

When I press SW3 the update appears to download ok and the LP reboots but the App Version shown in the terminal does not change.

Any advice would be most appreciated.



Project Details

Dropbox configuration

  • Vid00_Pid00_Ver0000 : f80_sys_mcuimgA.bin (App version defined as 0.0.1)


  • Format
  • Apply Service Pack : servicepack_1.0.1.11-
  • /sys/mcuimg.bin : \cc3200-sdk\example\application_bootloader\ccs\Release\application_bootloader.bin
  • /sys/mcuimg1.bin : ota_update_nonos\Release\ota_update_nonos.bin (App version defined as 0.0.0)

Terminal Output

                         CC3200 OTA Update Application       

App Version             : 0.0.0
Nwp Version             : 

Wifi Status             : Power Off

NTP Server              :
NTP Server IP           :

GTM Time                : -
Local Time (+05:30)     : -

OTA Update Status       : Press SW3 : Updates or SW2: Factory Reset
Run Stat                : 0

                         CC3200 OTA Update Application       

App Version             : 0.0.0
Nwp Version             :

Wifi Status             : Connecting...

NTP Server              :
NTP Server IP           :

GTM Time                : -
Local Time (+05:30)     : -

OTA Update Status       : Press SW3 : Updates or SW2: Factory Reset
Run Stat                : 0

                         CC3200 OTA Update Application       

App Version             : 0.0.0
Nwp Version             :

Wifi Status             : Connected to SC_Home

NTP Server              :
NTP Server IP           :

GTM Time                : -
Local Time (+05:30)     : -

OTA Update Status       : Press SW3 : Updates or SW2: Factory Reset
Run Stat                : 0

                         CC3200 OTA Update Application       

App Version             : 0.0.0
Nwp Version             :

Wifi Status             : Connected to SC_Home

NTP Server              :
NTP Server IP           :

GTM Time                : -
Local Time (+05:30)     : -

OTA Update Status       : Press SW3 : Updates or SW2: Factory Reset
Run Stat                : 0

                         CC3200 OTA Update Application       

App Version             : 0.0.0
Nwp Version             :

Wifi Status             : Connected to SC_Home

NTP Server              :
NTP Server IP           :

GTM Time                : Tue Aug 23 2017 11:14:49
Local Time (+05:30)     : Tue Aug 23 2017 16:44:49

OTA Update Status       : Press SW3 : Updates or SW2: Factory Reset
Run Stat                : 0

                         CC3200 OTA Update Application       

App Version             : 0.0.0
Nwp Version             :

Wifi Status             : Connected to SC_Home

NTP Server              :
NTP Server IP           :

GTM Time                : Tue Aug 23 2017 11:11:29
Local Time (+05:30)     : Tue Aug 23 2017 16:41:29

OTA Update Status       : In Progress...
Run Stat                : 0

                         CC3200 OTA Update Application       

App Version             : 0.0.0
Nwp Version             :

Wifi Status             : Connected to SC_Home

NTP Server              :
NTP Server IP           :

GTM Time                : Tue Aug 23 2017 11:11:29
Local Time (+05:30)     : Tue Aug 23 2017 16:41:29

OTA Update Status       : Completed
Run Stat                : 2
                        : Rebooting...

                         CC3200 OTA Update Application       

App Version             : 0.0.0
Nwp Version             : 

Wifi Status             : Power Off

NTP Server              :
NTP Server IP           :

GTM Time                : -
Local Time (+05:30)     : -

OTA Update Status       : Press SW3 : Updates or SW2: Factory Reset
Run Stat                : 0

  • Hey Paul,

    Did you create all three folders in the dropbox? Did you update the token generated from Dropbox into your .bin?

    I would read carefully through this link:

    Let me know what you find!

    Vince Rodriguez
  • Hi Vincent,

    Thank you for your response.

    The text of that wiki link is just a condensed version of the more detailed "CC3200 Over-The-Air (OTA) Update Application Note" in the CCS Resource Explorer, which I have followed.

    In my question I provided the details of the Dropbox folders I created and their contents i.e.:

    Project Details

    Dropbox configuration

    • Vid00_Pid00_Ver0000 : f80_sys_mcuimgA.bin (App version defined as 0.0.1)


    • Format
    • Apply Service Pack : servicepack_1.0.1.11-
    • /sys/mcuimg.bin : \cc3200-sdk\example\application_bootloader\ccs\Release\application_bootloader.bin
    • /sys/mcuimg1.bin : ota_update_nonos\Release\ota_update_nonos.bin (App version defined as 0.0.0)

    The "three folders" detailed in the example are not applicable. 

    Service pack version and version are obsolete and not available.

    The Nwp Version of the service pack I have applied is, The example code uses the 4th byte of this version number to construct the VendorString, which in this case is a '0' so the VendorString becomes Vid00_Pid00_Ver0000, which has been used as the name of the Dropbox folder

    I am not supplying an OTA service pack update, so I do not create any further Dropbox folders for higher service pack versions.

    The Dropbox folder "Vid00_Pid00_Ver0000" contains the file "f80_sys_mcuimgA.bin", which is a build of the application with the  App version defined as 0.0.1.

    The TI example has a further folder for Vid00_Pid00_Ver01 with the  App version defined as 0.0.0 so that you can ping pong back to the original version if you press SW3 a second time to do another update. I am not interested in this.

    My issue occurs during the first update.

    The Terminal output I supplied in my question indicates that we never receive a Run Stat of -3 (RUN_STAT_ERROR_CONNECT_OTA_SERVER), so yes I am using the correct token.

    My problem remains.

